Tuesday, August 24, 2010

FGS Conference in Knoxville

This Blog will be dedicated to the wonderful time I had in Knoxville at the FGS Conference, Aug 17th - 21st.  It was the first time I ever attended a national genealogy conference and I'm not sure why.  I've been to state and local conferences many times and attended IGHR seven times.  I believe I'm a convert now.

Conference Headquarters

Although it's some 600 miles or so, it's almost easier to drive from northeast Florida to Knoxville than to fly, so that's what I did.  I visited friends in north Georgia, and spent a day and a half in Nashville at the Tennessee State Library & Archives, so it was a multi-purpose road trip.  Oh, how I loved driving through Tennessee - I know now why so many of those who left Tennessee settled in Arkansas.  Much of the northwest quarter of Arkansas where my family settled for four generations looks much like Tennessee.  I felt at home.

The classes were a mixed bag with some absolutely wonderful and others, well, not quite on that level.  All were good - it's just that the course notes did not necessarily indicate whether or not the class would be for beginners [which I'm not] or for more experienced researchers.  As always some of the handouts were better than others - I always hate it when there are no maps in the handouts and then the presenter shows wonderful maps on the overhead - especially when the topic is migration patterns!  You should see some of my quick sketches  .....not good, not good at all.

You had to be there at just the right time to see this!

I so much enjoyed the exhibits - I used to attend trade shows with my husband.  So nice to see the great stuff and talk to vendors.  I met several people that I felt I should know through blogs, etc.  I was in the hall early and received an invite from Ancestry to attend a small luncheon limited to 12 persons about how we use the Ancestry website and what we like to find on the homepage.  Was a fun group - all of us in agreement that although we don't like everything about Ancestry, we certainly cannot get along without it!

I saw a dear friend, Elizabeth Wells, who is coordinator of the Special Collection Department of the Samford University Library in Birmingham, Alabama, at the booth for IGHR - the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research.  I have not been able to attend since 2006, and I realized how much I have missed the experience.  I credit IGHR with inspiring me to be as accurate and thorough in my research as possible.  Perhaps going back to Birmingham next June is a possibility.

There were great prizes at the Conference.  I put most of my prize entries in the box at Worldwide Cruises, hoping to win.  I went on the RootsMagic Cruise last February and it was a great experience I'd love to repeat - both the genealogy education, and the fun and excursions that had nothing to do with genealogy.  However, as a "single" the cruises are a bit out of my price range - at least annually.  I won no prizes, however.  I did meet and talk to Lynn Polgar, the representative from Worldwide Cruises.  Very nice lady, and a new friend, I hope.  I did promise her I'd put in a good word for the genealogy cruises next year, so here it is.  You can visit the website at Worldwide Cruises and at the top right corner is a banner and link for the Exploring Your Roots Cruise.  There are two cruises scheduled for next year.

Dreaming about the Caribbean ...here's one last picture....

RootsMagic Valentine Cruise 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anthony Haden - Children of Son Zachariah Haden

Zachariah is the last of the proved children of Anthony Haden.  I believe he was the youngest son, if not the youngest child.  Zachariah married Elizabeth Poore, 27 Jan 1763, Goochland Co VA.   However, a few years earlier, in 1759, he had purchased property in Rowan Co, NC from Richmond Pearson who was probably married to Zachariah's niece.  Zachariah never moved to North Carolina, selling this tract back to Pearson in 1784.  He owned other lands, likely in the same place, that he gave to his son Jesse in his will, describing the land as "my land in Carolina".  If he purchased land in 1759, he was by then at least age 21, or born 1738 or before.  Elizabeth Poore was the daughter of Thomas Poore and Elizabeth Moseley - sister to Jean Moseley that had married Zachariah's oldest brother John Haden.

An aside.  There were multiple Thomas Poores living in Goochland.  They have been confused by researchers.  Another time I will post how I have attempted to sort them.

Zachariah lived on the Haden homeplace in Goochland.  The Will of Edward Rice from Goochland Co Deed Book 10, p.67-68, mentions a parcel of land that adjoins Mr. Zachariah Haden's line, given to his son Edward, that he wants sold to meet his debts. 1 May 1769.  In 1749, Anthony Haden had bought a tract of land from Edward Rice - this is a tract for which no sale is in the Goochland deed books.  The following deed explains what happened to this tract, and also furnished proof that Anthony Haden had died and left a will, likely in Hanover County where so many records have been lost.  The word "devised" meant in that time frame, "left by will".

7 Oct 1774

Goochland Deed Book 10, p.491
Zachariah Haden and Elizabeth his wife of Goochland to John Hopkins of said County. For 120£ a tract of land containing 250 acres "in the county of Goochland on the Great Byrd Creek, being formerly purchased by Anthony Haden, in two separate parcels, the one of Thomas Stone Containing two hundred Acres, and the other of Edward Rice Containing Fifty Acres Both granted to the said Anthony by Indentures of Bargain and sale Recorded in Goochland Court and by the said Anthony Devised to his son Zachariah Haden, the present Granter thereof" Begin at Spanish oak on Byrd Creek, on said Edward Rice, line of markt trees in said Hopkins line, on Obediah Daniel, corner red oak on Byrd Creek, down the Byrd according to its meanders. Signed: Zachariah Haden, Elizabeth Haden. Zachariah & Elizabeth acknowledged and she relinquished dower 17 Oct 1774.

Zachariah and Elizabeth did not leave Goochland at the time of the above sale.  Zachariah's will was proved in Goochland County in 1792; he had written it ten years earlier.  Four children are named in the Will; Elizabeth survived him.  Six children were baptized by the Rev. Douglas at St. James Northam Parish so likely two were not living by 1782.

Children of Zachariah and Elizabeth Poore Haden were:

1.  Robert D. Haden born 10 Aug 1765, married Mary Miller in Prince Edward Co VA, 3 Nov 1792.  They moved to Madison Co, AL about 1811 and on to Mississippi soon after the 1830 census.  Robert & Mary had two sons, William M. Haden, and Robert Douglas Haden who served as a representative from Monroe Co MS and later moved to Texas.

2.  Thomas Poore Haden was baptized 16 Jun 1767; his birth not recorded.  No other records exist; presumably died young.

3.  Susannah Haden was born 29 Sep 1768.  She married one of the other Thomas Poores, 14 Feb 1786, Goochland.  They had a large family of nine children, moving to Woodford County KY before 1795.  Susannah is thought to have died about 1834 in Marion Co, MO where she had moved with several of her adult children.

4.  James Haden was born 6 Jan 1771.  The Rev. Douglas erred when he recorded this birth and baptism.  The Douglas Register says "Antony Haden & Eliz: Pore a son named James born Jan:6 1771. Baptized Ap:10 1771."    The Anthony Haden living and having children at this time, was Zachariah's nephew, the eldest son of Zachariah's brother John.  Anthony did indeed also have a son named James; however, Anthony's James was born 19 Jun 1782, several years later, and his mother was Mary Ann Crenshaw.  Anthony Haden was married three times, but never to a Poore.  James is the other child not noted in Zachariah's will and likely died as a child.

5.  Elizabeth Haden was born 18 Jun 1773.  She married Stephen Murrell, 27 Dec 1793, in Goochland Co.  I believe this family went to Tennessee - only two sons have been identified, Zachariah Haden Murrell and Samuel S. Murrell who both are said to have died in Franklin Co TN.  Nothing is known about when or where either Stephen or Elizabeth died.

6.  Jesse Haden, born 6 Sep 1776, was the youngest child of Zachariah and Elizabeth.  He married Elizabeth P. Hopkins, 22 Apr 1801.  She was the daughter of William Hopkins and granddaughter of Dr. Anthony Hopkins who had been a neighbor of Jesse Haden's grandfather, old Anthony Haden.  Elizabeth's mother was Mary Haden, daughter of John & Jean Mosely Haden.  Jesse and his wife were first cousins once removed.  Jesse's family moved to Cumberland Co, KY.  He is definitely not the Jesse Haden found in Rowan Co NC in this time period, although some have thought he was.  Lawsuits involving children of Jesse and Elizabeth concerning Hopkins inheritance make certain Jesse has been property identified.  Jesse received land in "Carolina" in his father's will but never moved there.  There is a Hopkins book that states Jesse died about 1812 - I believe that is more likely the date he disappeared from records in Virginia.  Some of his children gave him power of attorney in Cumberland Co KY in 1826, to collect their Hopkins inheritance in Albemarle Co, VA.

Anthony Haden - Children of Daughter Elizabeth Haden

Very little is known about Anthony Haden's daughter Elizabeth.  Elizabeth was old enough to be married and have a child in 1756, so likely born in the 1730's.  Apparently Anthony did not have much have confidence in the man she married.  Anthony made gifts of slaves to his married daughters and their husbands; however, in the case of Elizabeth, he gave the slave to her daughter, Ann Rea, with the income from the slave's labor to go to Elizabeth.  If Ann did not survive, the slave would revert to to Elizabeth's brother Zachariah and he would see that the income went to Elizabeth.  Had Anthony given the slave to his married daughter directly, the slave would then have been under her husband's control.  You will sometimes see Elizabeth's married name as "Rex" but I believe that is simply a misreading of the old handwriting.  I have a copy of the deed and the name surname is without doubt Rea.

This deed is interesting:

Goochland DB 7, p.98

29 May 1756
Anthony Haden of Hanover Co for love goodwill and affection towards my loving Grand Daughter Ann Rea of Goochland Co ….following Articles, One Negro man named Charles, two cows and calves, feather bed & furniture, black leather large trunk. Said Ann Rea paying her Mother Elizabeth Rea the sum of 3£ yearly during her life or the life of the said Negro to be recovered by the said Elizabeth Rea and no other. But in case said Ann Rea dies without issue, then the above Negro and articles I give to my son Zachariah Haden on paying Elizabeth Rea the yearly sum above mentioned. Signed: Anthony Haden. Wit: Stephen Nowlin, Daniel Burks, Obedience (O) Nowlin.
Acknowledged by Anthony Haden. Goochland Co 15 Jun 1756. Teste: Val.Wood GCC

Anthony did not include the name of Elizabeth Rea's husband.  Obviously the Rea family lived in Goochland Co.  In reading the early deed films of Goochland, there were few references to this surname or to it's likely alternate spelling "Ray".  And in fact, I only found two.  Both refer to a William Rea/Ray and in the deed found - his wife's name was Elizabeth.  I believe there is a reasonable chance that William Rea was Elizabeth's husband.

Additional records of REA in Goochland:

Goochland DB 6, p.218 21 Jul 1752 Appraisal & Inventory of the Estate of William Redford, dec’d. Richard Pleasants, William Rea

Goochland DB 7, p.61 20 Jan 1756. William RAY of Goochland to Ambrose Hundley of Hanover. 40#’s North side James River. Maj John Bollings line, John Burks, Joseph Woodson, Ebenezar Adams Dec’d. 150 acres part of 300 acres granted to James Nowlin by patent 12 Mar 1739. Signed: William REA
Wit: Geo Colebrooke, Thos. Pleasants. Ro. Abraham.
Acknowledged by William REA. Wife ELIZABETH privately examined and she agreed.
[Note that William Rea sold this tract to Ambrose Hundley. Elizabeth’s brother Joseph is believed to have married Elizabeth Hundley.  I've never found a connection, but there were not many Hundley families.]

It is also possible that William Rea, if indeed he was Elizabeth Haden's husband, died between the sale of this tract of land, January of 1756, and the gift of the slave to Elizabeth's daughter in July of 1756.  Anthony perhaps used the gift of the slave to aid his widowed daughter, doubting her own ability to manage.  However, I believe the first scenario is the most reasonable and the most likely.

I believe that the Rea family most likely left Goochland.  So many members of the Haden family remained in the area, surely had the Reas remained more details would have found their way into the family records.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anthony Haden - Children of Son Joseph Haden

Joseph Haden was given land by his father in January of 1756.  Anthony's habit seemed to have been to give land to his sons about the time they married, so we can estimate that Joseph was born mid 1730's.  He may have been older than his sister Rachel.  Some of the Haden genealogies make him several years younger, but that seems unlikely given the gift of land and apparent ages of his children.

There are gray areas surrounding Joseph's life as a young man.  His first recorded marriage was to Elizabeth Hundley [also seen as Hendley and Handley, but it was a Hundley family that appears in the area of Virginia where the Hadens lived.]  The date of the marriage isn't known, as the union is stated by the Rev. Douglas when their daughter Elizabeth was born and baptized in 1764.  There were daughters that appear to have been older than Elizabeth, and in fact only two of their children were baptized by Douglas.  Joseph did live in Albemarle Co, not Goochland where Douglas's St. Northam Parish was located.  I believe it is this "implied" marriage in The Douglas Register that has found it's way into genealogies and led researchers astray regarding Joseph's probable age.

Some believe Joseph had a brief early marriage, but I have found no proof, nor have I been able to substantiate his wife Elizabeth's age.  Joseph moved to Rowan Co, NC to join his brother William. In March of 1777, Joseph and wife Elizabeth sold land in Albemarle Co. VA and by November of the same year, Joseph purchased a tract next to his brother in North Carolina.  Sometime during the passage of about the next five years, Elizabeth died and Joseph married Margaret Maxwell, daughter of Thomas Maxwell, a Rowan Co neighbor.  Thomas Maxwell named his daughter as "Margaret Haden, wife of Joseph Haden" in his will dated 1800.  Joseph Haden died in February of 1803, and his will makes plain which of his children were the children of his first wife and which were those of his present wife.  Some of the children of Joseph and Margaret were still minors at the time of Joseph's death which has helped to estimate their ages.

Children of Joseph by Elizabeth Hundley are likely:

1.  Sarah Haden.  This apparent daughter of Joseph cannot be proved directly.  Some have thought she was the child of the "early first wife".  And that's possible provided there really was such a marriage.  Recorded in The Douglas Register is the marriage of Sarah Haden to Richmond Pearson, 5 Nov 1772, both of Albemarle Co, which is where their families were living at that time.  Sarah was likely at least 15-16 years old at her marriage.  She doesn't fit well into any other Haden family in the area at that time, and she and her husband also moved to Rowan Co NC where both are very closely associated with Joseph Haden.  In fact they were witnesses to the deed in November of 1777 when Joseph made his first purchase of land in North Carolina. Richmond Pearson was quite well-to-do for the times - he and Sarah had probably five children, but on 3 Oct 1791, Richmond married again to Eliza Mumford, in Orange Co, NC.  Apparently Sarah had died.  The problem is that when Joseph Haden made out his will in October of 1802, he did not mention a daughter Sarah, nor did he mention any heirs of a deceased daughter.  The children of Sarah and Richmond Pearson continue to be closely associated with Haden descendants in the next generation.  A will, of course, does not have to name every child, and Richmond Pearson had been remarried for some years when Joseph died - perhaps Pearson could provide adequately for his own children given his status in the community, or Sarah had received her portion many years previously.

2.  Ann "Nancy" Haden was obviously a daughter - named as Ann Wyatt in Joseph's will.  She is believed to have been married to Francis Wyatt, but no marriage record has been found, therefore, where or when the marriage took place is another of those gray areas.  Wyatt family research, found so far, seems to be very confused - there were multiple men named Francis Wyatt.  Some have ascribed other marriages to Ann's Francis - some have thought Ann and Nancy were two different women.  Some have said that the child Elizabeth, baptized in Goochland, was really Elizabeth Ann and is this daughter.  Some have attributed a marriage to this man that was in reality the marriage of his son of the same name.  My response is, I don't think so - my research suggests that this particular Francis Wyatt was always married to Ann "Nancy" Haden and that she was the mother of about twelve children.  Francis Wyatt's will is recorded in Montgomery Co, KY in 1824 and he is probably the Frank Wyatt there in the census in 1820, a census that reveals there was no lady of the age to be his spouse in the household.  The will shows children with good Haden names such as Anthony, Douglas, Joseph, even a Haden Wyatt.  Anney Haden also witnessed the first deed of Joseph Haden in 1777 in Rowan Co, so she was at least age 14, probably born before 1763, and older than the baptized daughter Elizabeth.

3.  Ritta Haden still carried the name Haden when mention in her father's will.  She was apparently a child of the former wife as she is listed with them.  She was given a slave, while her full siblings received only 20 shillings, having previously received their inheritance.  No other record has been found.

4.  Elizabeth Haden.  The entry as transcribed in the printed form of The Douglas Register is:  "Joseph Haden & Elizabeth Handley, a Daughter named Elizabeth born Feb 3, 1764. Baptized Apr 22 1764".  No other record appears for such a daughter, nor is she named in Joseph Haden's will.  I can only surmise she died young.

5. Joseph Haden was born probably about 1765, named of course for his father.  Joseph married his first cousin, Jenny Haden, daughter of William and Unity Haden, 8 Jan 1783, Rowan Co NC.  They raised a large family of at least ten children.  They named one of their sons Joseph, so after the death of his father in 1803, his records refer to this man as Joseph "Sr" when he had previously been Joseph "Jr". Joseph died in 1820 - Davidson Co was formed out the part of Rowan Co where the family lived shortly after, so many of the settlement records of his estate, including his will, were filed in Davidson Co. The documents in the estate files of this man and his father have been confused in the North Carolina Archives - probably because of the name and location.

6.  Douglas Register:" Joseph Haden & Eliz. Hundley a daughter named Judith born May 19, 1772. Baptized Nov 5, 1772".  I believe Judith was one of the younger children by Elizabeth Hundley.  Called "Judah Hughs" in her father's will, she married Sargent Hughes, 3 Nov 1788, Rowan Co NC.  They had six children.  Her husband died about 1803 and Judith Hughes can be found as head of household in Rowan Co in 1810.  By 1820, she had gone to Lincoln Co, TN with some of her adult children.  One of the sons, Richmond Pearson Hughes, served in the War of 1812.  His name is another reason for believing Sarah Haden who married Richmond Pearson belongs in this family.

Children of Joseph Haden and Margaret Maxwell.

7.  Margaret is said to be the eldest female child of Joseph's present wife in his will.  She married Jeduthan Marr, 30 Dec 1803 in Rowan Co.  Some have tried to attribute her widowed mother's marriage to William Brown in August of 1804, to this daughter.  I have court records showing that Margaret Maxwell Haden had married Brown, not her daughter.  A deed of young Margaret's brother William in 1845, refers to his sister as Margaret Marr.

8.  Robert Gillespie Haden was the eldest son of Joseph's "present wife".  He is the only child in the family that seems to have a middle name - there must be some story behind the name.  In an 1807 court case, it was stated that Robert Gillespie Haden was age 18 when his father died in 1803, so Robert was born 1785. There was a mixup after his father's death because Joseph gave this son land that had previously been given to Joseph Jr - the courts had to settle the dispute and Robert did have to deed the land to his older half-brother.  Robert married Mary Leonard Fisher probaly about 1805-1806 and they had nine or ten children.   Their family moved to Alabama, what is now Clarke County - then Mississippi Territory - about 1815 - and Robert G. and his sons can be found there in Clarke Co in 1830, then Macon Co, AL in 1840.  Sometime between 1840 and 1850, most, of not all, the family moved to Desoto Parish, Louisiana.  Robert G. Haden can be found in the mortality census in 1850 - he died in May of that year.  Mary survived him.

One curious thing about the family of Robert Gillespie - one of his sons was named George Green Haden.  George G. Haden received a land patent in Macon Co, AL in 1844, near Robert G. Haden, and then he can be found in Desoto Parish, LA in the 1850 and 1860 censuses.  I found a small self-published book in the Birmingham, AL, public Library in which another George Haden had been erronously placed here in this family.  There was a George S. Haden, born in Georgia, that was close to the same age and lived in Jefferson Co, AL in 1840 and 1850, in Blount Co, AL in 1860 - a researcher had mistakenly placed the Jefferson Co George as Robert G. Haden's son.  It is not possible for the same man to be in two places at the same time.  The researcher, not named, had been paid to discover George S. Haden's ancestry and so apparently found a man of similar name and failed to do enough research to discover the error.  The lady who had published the book was deceased - I wonder how many people will be led astray and climb the wrong family tree.

9.  Joseph and Margaret Maxwell Haden also had a son they named William.  He was designated the second son of the present wife in Joseph's will, so he was born sometime after 1785.  I had never seen anything further about William in any of the Haden publications, but when I was researching his brother Robert G. in Clarke, Co, AL, there was also present a William Haden of appropriate age.  However, William did not stay in Alabama - he returned to Rowan Co NC within a few years, and was closely associated with Billy D. Haden, his first cousin once removed.  Eventually I did find deeds linking William to his three full siblings when he was selling land he inherited from his grandfather, Thomas Maxwell.  William married, but I have never discovered the name of his first wife - they did have a daughter, Mary Jane Haden, born in 1832.  William married again to Henrietta McCulloh, May 15 1838, in Davie Co NC.  William died in Davie Co, 28 Oct 1846, Henrietta died in early 1847.  Braxton Bailey was appointed guardian of Mary Jane and she was living with his family in the 1850 Davie Co census.  Mary J. Haden married John M. Clement 18 Jan 1853, when she was still underage and they had to file suit to get her inheritance, otherwise I might never have discovered this part of the Haden family.

10.  Dianna was also a child of Joseph and Margaret Maxwell Haden; she was the youngest daughter.  This was another child that seemed forgotten in the Haden publications.  I discovered her married name while I was puzzling over the records regarding her brother William.  I found the following deed which provided solutions to several research problems.  Thomas Maxwell's will contained the unreadable name of one of a daughte - turns out she was Letitia and she married Jenkins. Dianna Haden had married Newton. Thomas Maxwell, the younger, had received 350 acres from his father's will.  I believe that young Thomas had also died, without children, and that land was distributed among his siblings or their descendants, which included Margaret Maxwell Haden Brown, and subsequently her Haden children.

Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts: Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973

p.105 DB 2, p.121 16 Dec 1842
Letitia Jenkins to Peter Seamont 46a on Bear Crk. Adj A. G. Carter, T. S. Parker, John Kellar, Wm Haden, Being that part that descended to her brother Thos. Maxwell dec'd. Also 14a, a lot that descended to Dianna Newton & her sister Margaret Haden, heirs of Thos. Maxwell dec'd. Betsy L. Leach, John Clement.

p.136 DB 2, p.422 3 Jun 1845

Wm Haden to dau Mary Jane for love, 500a where I live adj John Locke decd & Wm F. Kelly on Bear Crk and the lots bought from Robt Haden, Jeduthen Marr & wf Margaret, and Diana Newton and a lot inherited from Thomas Maxwell and 200a in another tract.

I feel that there is still more to discover about the children of both William and Joseph Haden in North Carolina.  I think few actual records had been previously consulted.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Anthony Haden - Children of Daughter Rachel Haden Johnson

Rachel was probably born in mid 1730's as she married James Johnson, 15 Dec 1755, St James Northam Parish, Goochland Co, VA, recorded in The Douglas Register.  Family records indicate that James and Rachel had three children - David, Ann "Nancy", and Mary "Molly" - the parents may have both died at a fairly young age leaving them orphaned.  Ann and Mary's births and baptisms were recorded at St. James Northam, but David's was not.

There are many Johnson families in Virginia and a quite large database of DNA of descendants exists.  The results imply that there were at least three separate families of Johnsons in colonial Virginia.  Rachel's husband James has always been placed as a part of the family of Michael Johnson [c. circa 1719] and his wife Sarah Watson which makes sense since the Johnsons and Hadens lived in close proximity.  The problem is that there are multiple men, descendants of this family, living at the same time in Goochland Co named James Johnson - and at least two of them had wives named Rachel.  The other Rachel was nee Rachel Street.  There was, living in the same area, a third James Johnson of near the same age who married Mildred Mims - among James and Mildred's nine children were children named David, Ann or Nancy, and Mary.

Two Johnson researchers and I collaaborated for several months in an attempt to sort out the James-and-Rachel difficulty.  One assertation that James and Rachel had these three children comes from the book John Haden of Virginia, apparently from Haden family records - actual source not stated.  The two daughters are proved by their baptism records; other records make clear they had a brother David.  Some of the Haden researchers placed Rachel's husband James Johnson, as a son of John Johnson and Mary Pledge [John and Mary did indeed have a son named James of this age - he's the one that married Mildred Mims].  But after careful study of land deeds, particularly those of James and Rachel's son David, and court records regarding guardianship, it became much more likely that Rachel's husband James was the son of the older James Johnson [son of Michael & Sarah Johnson] who is usually referred to in records as "James the Elder" and is said to have soon after 1787, probably as a very old man.  [I'm not sure that the correct death record has been applied, but that has no relevance here.]

Apparently after the death of James Johnson, and perhaps Rachel Haden as well, Isham Johnson - the eldest son of James Johnson, the Elder - was made guardian of three Johnson children, orphans of a James Johnson - David, Ann, & Mary.  This order took place in Goochland Court, August 1773.  David was the eldest as he reached his majority first, Ann would have been almost 13, Mary age 10.  Some of the Johnson researchers who had no access to the Haden information assumed they were three of the children of James Johnson and Mildred Mims.  This assumption falls apart because James & Mildred had other children, older, younger, and in between these three, and they both were still living.

That James Johnson, the Elder, had a son also named James is indicated by several Goochland deeds.  James, the Elder, made gifts of land to several of his sons, and references within the deeds make plain that there was also a James Jr.  Later, when David Johnson, son of James & Rachel, sells his property, it becomes eivdent that he is selling land he inherited and some of it has trickled down from the patriarch, Michael Johnson, through James, the Elder, and David's father, James.  I am happy to furnish details to anyone interested in the whole story.

It is my belief that all three of the children of Rachel Haden and James Johnson ended up moving to Logan Co, KY where many of their cousins were already living.  However, the proof is circumstantial.  I could change my opinion if additional documentation were found.

Here are the children of Rachel Haden and James Johnson:

1.  David Johnson was probably born circa 1756-1760.  I believe he appears in most of the Goochland Co records as David Johnson Jr. - not because he was the son of a David, but because he had an uncle named David Johnson living in the same area. I believe the marriage record of a David Johnson to Nancy Bowles, 16 Dec 1790, Goochland, is his marriage.  The Bowles genealogies are fraught with mine fields but she could have been the Nancy, daughter of John Bowles & Elizabeth Curd.  There are Goochland deeds, 1804 and 1807, when David & wife Nancy sold property.  By 1809, a David Johnson appears in Logan Co KY and he associates with other Haden related familes.  In May of 1818, the inventory and appraisal of his estate is ordered by the Logan County Court.  I have found no indication he had children.  Nor is there any record in Logan Co suggesting the name of his wife as Nancy.

2.   Ann Johnson [also seen as Nancy] was born 29 Nov 1763, Goochland, baptized as daughter of James Johnson and Rachel Haden.  She married William Johnson, 15 Oct 1781.  I do not believe he was a cousin, but think more likely he was the William Johnson, son of James Johnson and Sarah ?Tenham of Louisa Co, VA.  William had a brother named Thomas Johnson who also removed to Logan Co, KY.  In 1807, William and Nancy Johnson sold land in Louisa Co, VA.  In 1809, William Johnson appears on the tax list in Logan Co KY.   William Johnson died in fall of 1811, and Ann (Johnson) Johnson remarried to James Slaughter, 8 Apr 1812, in Logan Co.  Again, there is no indication that Ann had any children.  James Slaughter was presumably first married to Elizabeth Hampton by whom he had at least eight children; he married third a lady named Mildred, apparently after the death of Ann Johnson. as Mildred is named in his will written in 1831.   I've not found this last marriage record for James Slaughter.

3.  Mary Johnson was born 19 Apr 1763, Goochland.  She married John Price, 3 Aug 1779, Goochland.  John was a son of William Price and Elizabeth Burton, and this family can be traced back to John Price who arrived in Jamestown, 1611.   As early as 1784, William Price had deeded land to John in Louisa Co, VA.  In 1810, John Price bought land from William Haden [grandson of old Anthony; my husband's ancestor and Mary Johnson Price's first cousin] on the waters of the Gasper River, Logan Co, KY.  John Price and Mary Johnson had twelve children, eight of them sons creating virtually a Price dynasty in Logan Co.  Their oldest child, daughter Ann "Nancy" married Thomas Johnson, believed to be the brother of the above William Johnson, 25 Feb 1799, in Louisa Co.  Mary died 1822, John died before August of 1824, in Logan Co.

I feel that I should add one last bit here.  Rachel Haden, of course, married James Johnson.  William Haden, son of John & Jean Moseley Haden, and Rachel's nephew also married into the Johnson family.  William's second wife, Ann "Nancy" Johnson, was a daughter of Joseph Johnson & Sarah Harris, Joseph being a son of John Johnson and Mary Pledge.  John Johnson was one of the sons of Michael Johnson and a brother to the above James Johnson, the Elder.   Therefore, William Haden's wife, was a first cousin once removed, to Rachel Haden's husband.  Or, put another way, Rachel's James Johnson was a grandson of Michael Johnson.  William's wife Nancy Johnson was a great granddaughter of Michael Johnson.

Then there is this.  I am also descended from John Johnson's wife Mary Pledge.  Mary Pledge had a brother William - he is my direct ancestor.  Mary and William's parents were John and Dorothy [her surname unknown] Pledge. My husband was also my 8th cousin once removed - but you need one of those automatic genie tools to figure that one out!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Anthony Haden - Children of Son William Haden

William Haden was born maybe 1728-1731.  Certainly he was Anthony's son.
Goochland Co, VA, Deed Book 7, p.58 Anthony Haden of St. Pauls in Hanover to son William Haden of St. James Northam in Goochland. 200 acres. Purchased of Henry Nash [17 May 1748] and Frances Thurston [19 Sep 1749]. Witness: John Haden, Zachariah Haden, Jeany Haden, Agethe Moseley.

William's wife was Unity.  When they married and what her surname was is not known.  A previous blog here:
discusses more about Unity.

William and Unity Haden lived in Louisa Co, VA for a few years.  I have not yet found the deed when William sold the 200 acres given to him by his father, but Unity, as his wife, signed a deed in Louisa Co.
Louisa Co., VA Deed Book C, pg 52
1765 July 14th.   William Haden to William Ragland for 25 #'s, 150 acres Wm Harris line ...crossing the Southanna River to Harris's line ...Elkanah Ray's corner ...crossing the Southanna River ...Col. Thomas Johnson line.    Signed:  William Haden, Unity Haden
Witnesses:  James Meriwether, William Harris, Elkanah Ray

Then here is William buying land in North Carolina.
Abstracts of Deeds of Rowan Co, NC 1753-1785, Jo White Linn
p.90; DB 6/482 17 Sep 1767 Mathew Sparks and wife Sarah to William Haden for £150, 172 acres in the fork of the Yadkin R adjacent William Sparks grant of 4 Apr 1767. Wit: Benjamin Taylor, James Whitaker.

He seems to have been the first of the Haden brothers to make the move to North Carolina.

William and Unity had six documented children.  I discovered several interesting things about their children from the North Carolina records, and I have corresponded with descendants of some of them.

1. Douglas Haden was their eldest.  He was entering land in Rowan Co as early 1778.   If he had by then turned age 21, he was born say 1755-1757.  He may have married quite young because his sons seem to have been born in 1775 and 1776.  Douglas married an Elizabeth, but her surname is unknown.  Rowan Co records indicate she remarried after the death of Douglas which happened before June of 1801.  Her second husband was Charles Burroughs who she married 13 Jan 1804 in Rowan Co.  Douglas's father William named Douglas's son, William Douglas "Billy D." Haden as a grandson in his will and many have decided that was the only child of Douglas.  Not so.  There was also a son Jesse. Several deeds of Rowan Co reveal that Jesse and Billy D. owned property together - property where their mother was living.  As far as I know Jesse does not appear in the family in any of the publications about the Haden family, but he left many trails in Rowan Co.  He married Rosanna Sloan, 29 Aug 1797, in Rowan County and they had at least six children, five daughters, and a son Franklin W. Haden.  Jesse & Rosanna are buried Fitzgerald/Haden Cemetery, Davidson Co NC along with several of their children and grandchildren.  Jesse Haden was born 6 Dec 1776 and died 11 May 1836.  Billy D. Haden was probably a year older than Jesse.  Billy D. was married three times and had four daughters and a son.

2.  Margaret "Peggy" Haden was likely the second child.  She married David Stockton a year or so before the birth of their only child, son Benjamin, born in 1776.  David was a brother to Rev. Robert Stockton who had married Catherine Blakey, Peggy's first cousin.  David Stockton died about 1792 and  Peggy moved on to Tennessee with her son's family about 1804 and died in Giles Co, TN, 12 Sep 1818.

3.  Sarah "Sally" Haden was born perhaps 1758.  She was married to William Merrill by about 1776.  William was a son of Capt. Benjamin Merrill.  Capt Benjamin Merril was hung, then drawn and quartered by Gov. Tryon, for his part in the Battle of Alamance. His lands were conficated but later restored to his widow.  Although there is no evidence that Sally & William Merrill ever returned to Goochland Co, VA to live, they did have relatives still there and in 1784, their three oldest children, Timothy, Peggie & Betsy were all baptized on the same day at St. James Northam Parish in Goochland.  They subsequently had five more children.  About 1803, the Merrills moved to Kentucky and after 1810, Sally and her children moved on to Tennessee - there is a Supreme court case in Tennessee, 1822, when Sally tried to recover slaves that were a gift of her father.  She stated that William Merril had left the family some ten years prior to the filing of the bill and was never seen again.[Sally was head of household by the 1810 census in Warren Co, KY.]  In 1830, Sally's eldest son Timothy Merrill was living in Carroll Co, TN and had an older woman in his household. 

4.  Jane or Jenny Haden, born maybe 1760, married her first cousin, Joseph Haden, Jr. on 8 Jan 1783, in Rowan Co NC.  They had 10 children.  Joseph Haden Jr. left a detailed will and quite a large estate.  His estate file is quite large - however, it should be noted that the North Carolina Archives has mixed up the papers of the estates of Joseph Haden, the father, and this Joseph Haden.  Joseph Jr. died 16 Feb 1820, Jenny was probably the older lady in the household of her son George in the 1830 Davidson Co NC census.  This family has been well documented with reasonable accuracy.  Many of the children remained in North Carolina, although daughter Sally Haden Durham moved to Tennessee, son Joseph moved to Macon Co, Alabama and son Alexander eventually settled in Louisiana.

5.  Elizabeth "Betsy" Haden, born about 1765 or so married Robert Bradshaw, 3 Apr 1790, Rowan Co.  Their children are believed to have been Mary, Unity, William, Austin, and Robert Bradshaw Jr.  both Mary and Unity married into the family of Wyatt Foard.  The Foard and Bradshaw families had also come to North Carolina from Goochland Co, VA.  Robert Bradshaw was married as many as four times and three of his wives were named Elizabeth.  Elizabeth Haden was his second wife; all of Robert's children were also hers.  Robert Bradshaw married Elizabeth Burris, 14 Jun 1813, so Betsy Haden Bradshaw had died prior to that time.

6.  The youngest child Mary [also seen as both Molly and Polly] of William and Unity Haden required a guardian upon William's death, so she was not yet of legal age.  John Stokes was appointed her guardian on 4 May 1790.  One researcher has linked Mary to a William Lindley but Lindley research shows no such relationship.  Apparently the link to a William Lindley was established because of a lady named Mary Haden Lindley who married a Kuykendall and was found in Texas. This lady was born in South Carolina, however, not North Carolina or Tennessee. 

Instead, I believe this is the marriage bond of Mary Haden:   
2 Feb 1790 - Polly Haiden to John Marshall. Bondsman was Edward Yarbrough.

The date of the marriage bond presents its own problem.  It would make no sense for John Stokes to be appointed Molly's guardian in May of 1790 if she had married John Marshall earlier in February, nor would she have been named as Molly "Haden" if she had married. However, there is also no other Mary, Polly or Molly Haden of marriageable age known to be living in Rowan Co at this time.

I ordered a copy of the above marriage bond from the NC State Archives. The bond is plainly signed by John Marshall, with Edwd. Yarbrough as security. The bride's name indeed appears to be Polly Haiden. The bond itself is dated the Second day of February, Anno Domini 1790. However, on the back of the bond is the date, Feby. 2nd 1791. I wonder if since it was so close to the beginning of the new year, 1791, that there is an error on the bond itself. And, as often happens, the clerk wrote 1790 from habit, and this bond was actually in early 1791. That could solve the problem nicely.

Marshall descendants do believe that Mary Haden, daughter of William and Unity, was their ancestor.  Mary and John Marshall moved to Montgomery Co, KY where he can be found in the 1820 census.  However, family lore suggests Mary died about 1812, because John Marshall married again.  Children of John and Mary are believe to have been Unity Lane Marshall, b. 9 Dec 1803, Alexander Marshall, Betsey Marshall, and John Marshall, born about 1807 in Kentucky.  Unity Lane Marshall married Nathaniel Hart in Warren Co, MO and they settled in Boone Co, MO.  Unity's middle name is one of the reasons that Lane has been suggested for the surname for her grandmother Unity, wife of William Haden.

Anthony Haden - Children of Daughter Ruth Haden Farris

Ruth Haden was born perhaps about 1729 although I believe that to be a guess.  She married Jacob Farris, often seen spelled as Ferris.  One researcher had a marriage date of 27 Jan 1763 which I believe could have been a typo for the year 1753 - however, I've never been able to confirm a marriage record.  I have corresponded with a descendant and she did not have a marriage record.  What is known about their children and the following gift of slaves would indicate they did marry in the early to mid 1750's.  Ruth and Jacob received a gift of slaves from her father in March of 1761, and they were then apparently living in Henrico Co, VA.  Henrico Co Deed Book 1750-67, p.681.

I have done no in depth research on this family myself.  Several other researchers have contributed to my information.  I suspect there would be much more to discover in the Henry Co VA records.

Their children are named in the will of Jacob Farris, dated 11 Jan 1812, Henry Co VA WB 2, p.96.  They are listed here in the order in which they are found in the will.  The will was proved September Court session of 1813.  A descendant has given me his death date of 18 May 1813.

1.  Josiah Farris, probably the eldest son, listed first in his father's will and named as one of the Executors.  At least one researcher has estimated his birth as circa 1755.

2.  John Farris and two of his sisters received only 25 cents from their father's will, suggesting they had perhaps received previous gifts of land or slaves.

3.  Jane Farris, named as Jane Anthony in the will.  Jane married the Rev. Joseph Anthony, 14 Aug 1777, Cumberland Co, VA.  Perhaps at some point her family lived in that county, before settling in Henry Co.  Rev. Anthony was a Baptist minister and he is on tax rolls in Henry Co, 1790 and 1800.  He died about 1806.  Jane moved to Tennessee with her children [at least one son was married in Sumner Co TN in 1816], and on to Missouri about 1820.  She did not stay, but returned to Tennessee after about two years.  She is said to have died in Tennessee about 1849.

I think it is important to say here that Jane Farris's husband, the Baptist minister, Joseph Anthony, has been misplaced in many, many online databases.  He was NOT the son of Joseph Anthony and Elizabeth Clark.  Joseph, husband of Elizabeth, left a recorded will in Henry Co, dated 25 Jan 1786, and Jacob Ferris was one of the appraisors of his property - this couple were the parents of Agnes and Winifred Anthony who married Blakeys and removed to Georgia [see the previous blog about Ann Haden Blakey].  They also had a son named Joseph, named in the Will - and many have assumed this man to be the same as the Baptist minister who married Jane Farris.  He was not.  The Joseph, son of Joseph Anthony & Elizabeth Clark, married instead to a first cousin, Elizabeth "Betty' Clark, daughter of Micajah Anthony and Judith Adams, and they were part of the removal to Wilkes Co, GA.  [Yes, both father and son married an Elizabeth Clark, one the niece of the other.]  Young Joseph died in Wilkes Co, 2 Sep 1810.  It is quite likely that both the Rev. Joseph Anthony and the Joseph Anthony who died 1810 in Wilkes Co were very close to the same age; it is also likely there is a kinship, since they both seem to have come from Henrico Co VA and settled in Henry Co.  Rev. Joseph Anthony has also been placed in the family of a Thomas Anthony and his wife Elizabeth Martin - but this, too, seems to be a wrong connection as Thomas left a will in Surry Co, NC, dated 8 Oct 1816, and does not mention any son named Joseph.  I can only conclude that the parentage of the Rev. Joseph Anthony is unknown.

4.  Franky [probably Frances] Farris, named as Franky Martin in the will.  It is thought her husband was William Martin.  Another researcher gave me a birth date for Franky as 30 Jun 1771, but no substantiation for this date.

5.  Martha Farris was called Patsy Penn in the will.  Her son William Penn was one of the executors of the will of Jacob Farris, along with Jacob's son, Josiah.  Some believe she was likely older than her sister Franky, but was left until last in the will as she received a larger share and her grandson was one of the Executors.  Martha married George Penn, 8 Dec 1784, Henry Co VA.  George Penn was one of the witnesses to the will of Jacob Farris.  Both George and Martha died in Rutherford Co. TN in 1828.  I believe they both have probate records there.  George Penn was on a tax list in Henry Co VA in 1790, but not there in 1800, so perhaps they had already gone to Tennessee by that year.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anthony Haden - Children of Daughter Ann Haden Blakey

Anthony and Margaret’s daughter Ann married Thomas Blakey. Bible records containing many of the vital records of the Blakey family exist – at least one is available in the digital images at the Library of Virginia website. Ann was born 7 Nov 1724 and married Thomas Blakey 12 Jan 1746. He died in Buckingham County, 1791, but the date of Ann’s death was not recorded.

Children of Ann Haden and Thomas Blakey were born in Albemarle and Buckingham Counties in Virginia.  The cousin marriages within this family are confusing to say the least.  Please feel free to email me for any clarification.

1. Sarah George "Sally" Blakey, b. 15 Feb 1747, married David Patterson on 15 Apr 1763, Buckingham Co, VA.  Sally died 4 Dec 1822, Buckingham Co.

2.  George Blakey, b. 22 Nov 1749, Albemarle Co VA, married Margaret "Peggy" Whitsitt, 10 Jan 1787, in Henry Co, VA.  They moved to Davidson Co, TN in the 1790's, and then on to Logan Co, KY by about 1800.  There were ten children.  George & Peggy's eldest daughter Pamela married her cousin William Haden Jr, son of William Haden & Nancy Johson.  Son Reuben died at about one year of age.  Their son Col. William W. Blakey married Susan Churchill Breathitt, sister to John Breathitt, once a Governor of Kentucky.  Their son Dr. Thomas S. Blakey married Ann Haden Whitsitt, a granddaughter of William Haden & Ann Johnson.  Daughter Elizabeth Whitsitt Blakey married John M. Hogan. Their son Dr. Churchill Haden Blakey married his cousin Sally Haden, the youngest daughter of William Haden and his third wife Sally Johnston Haden.  Their son James Whitsitt Blakey married a Nancy J. Haden that I believe was a child of William Haden Jr by a wife he had previous to Pamela Blakey - the evidence is circumstantial.  Daughter Sarah Patterson Blakey married James Samuel Proctor.  Their daughter Eleanor "Nellie" married a cousin, Rezin Porter Haden, a grandson of Joseph Haden & Mary Peatross, Joseph being a son of John Haden & Jean Moseley.  The youngest son, George Douglas Blakey married a first cousin once removed, Lucy Thomas whose maternal grandmother was Sarah George Blakey Patterson - he wrote articles about the citizens of Logan Co for the local newspaper which have been republished and furnished me with a great many research hints.  George Blakey served in the Revolution - he died at his home in Logan Co, 8 Sep 1842.

3. Thomas Blakey was born 7 Apr 1752, married Frances Perrow, died 19 Jan 1791, Buckingham Co, VA.

4.  Catherine Blakey was born 24 Nov 1753, and married the Rev. Robert Stockton, 7 Sep 1768.  He was a frontier minister, responsible for organizing new congregations.  There were at least twelve children.  They were in Barren Co, KY by 1800.  One of their daughters, Catherine B. "Kitty" Stockton, married Benjamin Haden, son of William & Nancy Johnson Haden of Logan Co KY, 10 Feb 1807.  Benjamin Haden died after the birth of a single son and Kitty married Lowry Bishop, 10 Feb 1810.  Many of the online databases have confused Kitty with her niece, also named Catherine B. Stockton who married John Coffee Hall, 29 Oct 1815, Barren Co.  The niece Catherine had two sons and died prior to 1828 - she was the daughter of Robert Stockton JR. and Nancy Blakey, another grandchild of Thomas Blakey & Ann Haden.  Very many databases have combined these two Catherines into a single person.  I have court cases clearly establishing these relationships.

5.  A son John Blakey was born 30 Dec 1754.  I've never seen anything further about him.

6.  William Blakey was born 16 Oct 1756, and was married to Elizabeth Spencer.  He died about 1813 in Cumberland Co, KY.  They were the parents of Nancy Blakey who married Robert Stockton Jr.

7.  Reuben Blakey, born 4 Nov 1758, is said to have drowned as a young man - in the Kentucky River on his way to the "far west"

8.  Churchill Blakey, named for his paternal grandfather, was born 11 Apr 1760.  He married 2 Aug 1780 in Henry Co VA to Agnes Anthony.  They moved to Wilkes Co, Georgia where Churchill died in 1837.

9.  Joseph Blakey was born 28 Aug 1762, Buckingham Co VA and married Winifred Anthony about 1785.  Winifred was a sister to Agnes, both daughters of Joseph Anthony and Elizabeth Clark.  Joseph died in Wilkes Co, GA about 1792.

10.  Ann Haden Blakey was born 26 Mar 1765, Buckingham Co VA.  She married Joseph Oglesby about 1779.  They were parents of at least thirteen children, some of whom moved on to Kentucky and then Indiana.

Anthony Haden - Children of son John Haden

The next series of Blogs about the Haden family will be to list briefly the next generation - the children of the proven children of Anthony & Margaret Haden.  I will be posting them according to the probable birth order I have reconstructed.  In these blogs I do not always give complete citations for records, not quotes from them because of length.  Feel free to email me for further information as this research is based primarily on actual records, not publications or web databases.  A link to my website can be found on the Blog homepage as well, and much more detail is available there.

Evidence suggests the eldest son of Anthony & Margaret was John who married Jean Moseley - they have been discussed in earlier posts.

Dorothy K. Haden wrote the book John Haden of Virginia about John and Jean's family and descendants and the book is quite well done.  So in general there are no significant problems or conflicts about the identification of their children; some of the younger children were baptized by the Rev. William Douglas after he came to Goochland County.

John Haden divided his property by deed rather than making a will. This deed is in Campbell Co VA, DB 3, p.607. 20 Oct 1795. The relationships are expressly stated in this agreement:

"Know ye, that we the SONS and SONS IN LAW of John Haden of the county of Campbell have by mutual consent and by and with the consent of sd John Haden, agree'd to divide among us, all & every part of sd John Haden's estate that he choose to give up to us"

One of the signatures is Anthony Haden - it is the first signature.. Others are Wm Hopkins [husband of Mary], John M. Haden, J. Haden [Joseph], Jno. Dabney [husband of Mildred], Benj. Haden, and Jno. Moorman [husband of Rachel]. These would seem to be listed in birth order.

Not all the children of John & Jean were included in the above deed - my husband's ancestor, the son William, had already received his land, sold out and gone to Kentucky some 10 years previously. The daughter Margaret who married John Robertson/Robinson had also previously received land and had either moved away or died as nothing more has been found about her. The daughter Jane who married William Moorman was deceased and William Moorman, a quite wealthy man, was remarried.

Children of John Haden [1723-1817] and Jean Moseley [1722-1796]

1. Anthony was born 26 Mar 1746, Goochland Co VA and died 28 Apr 1828, Christian Co, KY.  He was married three times, to Drusilla Rountree, Mary Ann Crenshaw, and Anna Harris Dabney, and had children by each wife for a total of eleven children.  He served as a Captain in the Revolution and many descendants have joined DAR and SAR.  There are some minor conflicts with middle names of some of the children, etc. but by and large this family is very well documented, and I won't go into further detail here. 

2.  Mary was born about 1747, Goochland, and died sometime between 1800 when she signed a deed with her husband and his death about 1820.  Mary Haden married William Hopkins, the son of Dr. Arthur Hopkins, a neighbor of old Anthony Haden.  In fact Arthur Hopkins had sold land to Mary's father John, quite possibly the home place where Mary was born.  Mary Haden and William Hopkins had at least 10 children, identified primarily by several powers of attorney, etc. concerning inheritance following the death of William Hopkins.

3.  John Moseley Haden was born circa 1749 in Goochland and died some time after the 1830 census in Fluvanna Co VA.  He was named for his maternal grandfather, John Moseley.  Most of the children of John & Jean did not have middle names.  There are some uncertainties regarding the wives of John Moseley Haden.  His first wife was Anne, but her surname remains a mystery.  The marriage records for Albemarle Co are lost for the time period.  They had five known children born between about 1771 to 1784 - Susanna, William, Margaret Douglas "Peggy" [whose name provides strong support for the probability her paternal grandmother was Margaret Douglas Haden], Nancy [probably Anne for her mother], and George.  On 9 Dec 1790, John Moseley Haden married Mary Ann Hopkins in Louisa Co VA, and they had a single daughter Sarah called Sally.  Neither Peggy or Sally ever married.  There is in fact some early census data that leads me to believe that Sally could have been the daughter of the first wife - that there were no children from the marriage to Mary Ann Hopkins.  Mary Ann is believed to have been the widow of Peter Hopkins whose will was probated in April of 1790, Louisa Co.  John Moseley Haden never lived in Louisa Co - he resided in Albemarle, the part which became Fluvanna Co in 1777.

4.  William Haden was likely the next child, born ca 1751 in Goochland, died 1819, Logan Co, KY.   He was my husband's ancestor.  Although he was not included in the division of his father's land, he did receive property earlier which he sold back to his father before leaving for Kentucky.  Since he left Virginia soon after the Revolution, very little is said of him in John Haden of Virginia.  One family letter quoted in the book refers to him as William Douglas Haden, but I have found no document with a middle initial or a middle name. William and his brothers Anthony, John Moseley, and Joseph, all served in the Revolution.  William is thought to have had a brief early marriage to Judith or Jane Moorman, possible daughter of Achilles Moorman and Elizabeth Adams.  The marriage would have taken place ca 1770-1772, possibly in Albemarle at a time the marriage records are lost.  Both families have tradition of this marriage - some of the stories handed down suggest she died in pregnancy or childbirth within the first year of the marriage.  William married 31 Oct 1775, Goochland, to Ann "Nancy" Johnson, daughter of Joseph Johnson and Sarah Harris - both her birth and their marriage are recorded in The Douglas Register.  William and Nancy had probably ten children.  Another researcher had a birth year of 1774 for William's daughter, Sally, which if true would indicate she was actually the child of his first marriage to Judith/Jane Moorman.  However, this birth year can not be substantiated.  The youngest daughter of William and Nancy Johnson Haden was also named Nancy - the 1850 census indicates she was born circa 1798.  Nancy Johnson Haden died sometime after the birth of this child and before William's marriage to Mrs. Sarah "Sally" Johnson/Johnston [the spelling seems to be interchangeable in Logan Co] on 21 Dec 1807, Logan Co KY.    A number of families of this surname are present in Logan Co - some are second cousins to William Haden that do go back to the same Johnson family of his wife Nancy, but I have never been able to identify Sally's former husband.  William & Sally had one child, a daughter they named Sarah "Sally", born perhaps about 1810 - William's older daughter Sally had died before the birth of this youngest child.  The older Sally had married Thomas Proctor and had three children with him prior to her death.  Some of the data that can be found confused the two daughters, the researchers apparently not understanding that there really were two daughters named Sally, but their place in his family is well documented in court records from Logan Co.

5.  Joseph Haden was born about 1752, died 25 Oct 1820 in Fluvanna Co, VA.  He married Mary Peatross probably about 1772 - another marriage that likely happened in Albemarle.  They had at least nine documented children, several of whom moved west into Kentucky.

6.  Margaret Haden, born maybe 1754- 1755 is known to have married a John Robinson/Robertson before 1771 when her father gave them a gift of land, but nothing is known of what subsequently happened to this family.  It is possible Margaret predeceased her father.

7.  Jane, or Jeannie, Haden named for her mother, was the first of the children baptized by the Rev. William Douglas after his arrival in Goochland Co - her birth recorded as 10 Dec 1757 in Goochland.  She married William Moorman, son of Achilles & Elizabeth Adams Moorman, about 1774 in Albemarle Co.  She died before 1789, probably in Campbell Co, VA, where they were then living.  Jane & William Moorman had six documented children.  William married two more times after the death of Jane Haden.  William, his children, and the second wife moved to Kentucky about 1790.

8.  Mildred "Milly" born 14 Apr 1760, Goochland, as recorded in The Douglas Register, married John Quarles Dabney, 11 Nov 1793, Campbell Co, VA.  She died before 1818 - John Q. Dabney died in Scott Co, KY, 1833.

9.  Benjamin Haden was born 26 May 1762, Goochland, died 8 Apr 1837, Campbell Co, VA.  Benjamin married Martha Davis Moorman, 2 Dec 1780, when he was only 18 years old.  She was the daughter of Charles Moorman and Mary Venable.  They had 15 children, most of whom remeained in the area of Campbell Co.

10.  Rachel Haden, youngest child of John and Jean, was born 25 Apr 1764, Goochland.  She married John Moorman, brother of Martha Davis Moorman, 22 Feb 1795, Campbell Co, VA.  I know of three children - Jane, Charles, and Elizabeth said to have beenborn in 1797, but have no other data on Rachel's family.