Anthony Haden of Goochland married a second time. I was contacted some years ago when I first began to post information on the Internet, by a descendant of the widow lady Isabel Clement/Clements of Hanover County, VA, claiming that she had married late to life to Anthony Haden. This information had appeared nowhere else in any of the research I had ever seen, but since I knew Anthony had relocated from Goochland County to Hanover County between 1749 and 1755, I could not discount this news. The first tract of land that Anthony purchased in Goochland while he was still a resident of King William County, was 400 acres, part in Goochland County, part in Hanover County; purchased from Joseph Watson and John Watson Jr. and their wives, Nov. 1742. [Goochland Deed Book 4, p.91-93] He did not keep this tract, selling it back to John Watson Jr. in November of 1745 [Goochland Deed Book 5, p.62] - this deed showing his wife's name to be Margaret. Also records of Hadens appear in the Hanover County parish records from 1719, so Anthony could have had various ties to that county, including family ones.
Over the next few years, I received various bits of information from Clement researchers, but no one had proof documents regarding the widow Isabel. I understood that they had been seen [but not copied] in an estate record of one of her descendants in the North Carolina Archives but using the names of her sons and grandsons, I was unable to find anything in spite of ordering several estate files on the Clement family from the Archives. I received nothing that referred to Anthony Haden.
On a trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, I was finally able to look at films of the North Carolina estate records for myself. Sure enough, I found the documentation from a lawsuit involving a runaway slave that had belonged to Isabel and her husband Anthony Haden and she had reportedly gifted the slave and her issue to a grandson. However, the slave had apparently first been given to Isabel's son Simon - if she was ever given to the grandson it must have been an oral promise as there was no written proof that the grandson was to receive the slave. The slave had escaped while being transported from Virginia to North Carolina. The documents were actually filed under the name of Isabel's first husband, John Clement, dated 1801 - he had died in Virginia prior to 1 Jun 1749 when his will was probated, and is not even mentioned in these documents except as her former husband. Instead, they were in reference to a lawsuit following the death of John & Isabel's son Simon, who had died before November of 1800, in Granville Co, NC.
I will note here that the will of John Clement bequeathed to his wife Isabel, 200 acres in Hanover County. Hanover deeds are lost for this time period, but a few tax records suvive. As her husband, Anthony Haden would have become the possessor of these lands. There does exist a 1763 tax record from Hanover, as referred to in a previous post, when Anthony Haden was taxed on 200 acres.
A copy of the will of John Clement may be found at the Virginia State Libary, Accession #26888 "Clement Personal Papers". It was dated 12 Nov 1745, from St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co, VA. A copy was also filed during the lawsuit in North Carolina when it could still be found in Hanover County - 19 Apr 1801. William Pollard, clerk of the court of Hanover County, VA, testified to a true transcript.
Here are two lessons to be learned from my search for this documentation. When looking at estate records - be sure to look at all the possible surnames involved - and for several years before and after the event. I have no clue why these papers had been filed under John Clement's name since he had not even died in the state of North Carolina and the suit had nothing to do with his death, but that is how they were filed. The second lesson is that when a county is a "burned county" such as Hanover, there may be records existing elsewhere.
Also in the file was a deed that had been copied from Hanover County, VA Here is a complete transcript of this very important deed which is also a very effective prenuptial agreement.
LDS Microfilm #2208030, North Carolina Estates, Granville Co
This Indenture made this Sixth Day of October in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine Between Anthony Haden of the County of Hanover, Planter, and Isabell his wife of the one Part and Simon Clement of the County of Amelia, Planter, of the other Part. Whereas it was mutually agreed by and between the said Anthony Haden and Isabell his wife [before their intermarriage with each other] that they seperately should have, hold, use, occupy and enjoy each of their Estates without the hindrance - interruption or molestation of each of them to the other and that they seperately should dispose of their and each of their Estates or any Part thereof in the same manner as if they had not been married, and that neither of them should inter-meddle with any Part of the others Estate without their mutual Leave or Consent, and for and to comply with their said agreement, they are minded to give grant and Convey all the Estate that she was Possessed of at the Time of their intermarriage aforesaid, unto the said Simon Clement, Son of the said Isabell he having given Bond and Security unto the said Anthony Haden and Isabell his wife that if in case she should happen to outlive or Survive her said Husband she shall not claim any part of the Estate of him her said Husband but that he the said Simon will in that case, maintain and Support the said Isabell as long as she lives, or deliver up unto her the Estate hereby given unto him, now this Indenture. Witnesseth That the said Anthony Haden and Isabell his wife for and in Consideration of the abovementioned Premises and for the natural Love and Affection which they bear unto the said Simon Clement and also for the Sum of Five Shillings Sterling to them in hand paid the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and also for other good causes and Considerations - them thereunto moving they the said Anthony Haden and Isabell his wife have and each of them hath given and granted and by these Presents do and each of them doth give grant and confirm unto the said Simon Clement his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns for ever, Five Negro Slaves by name Hager, Angelo, Ismael, Milly and Mansfield and their Increase, and the following Goods, to wit. Three Feather, Beds and Furniture, Brass, Pewter and Iron Ware and also all other the Goods and Chattels, Debts and Substance whatsoever moveable and immoveable, of what kind, nature of Quality soever the same are - which were in the possession of, or did belong to the said Isabell at the Time of her Intermarriage with the said Anthony Haden after the Decease of the sd Isabel To have and to hold all and Singular the said Negroes, and their Increase, Goods, Chattals and all other the aforesaid Premisses unto the siad Simon Clement his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns to his and their own proper Use and uses for ever. In witness whereof the said Anthony Haden and Isabella his wife have hereunto set and affixed their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written.
Antho. Haden
Isabell Haden
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of
Ja. Allen, Wm Shackelford, Robt Thent, Robt Carter
Memorandum. That on the Day and year within written Livery and Seisin was delivered by the within named Anthony Haden and Isabell his wife unto the within named Simon Clement of the Negroes and Beds within mentioned in the name of all the Estate within mentioned to hold to him the said Simon Clement his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever, according to the within written Indenture Witness the Hands and Seals of the said Anthony Haden and Isabel his wife.
Antho. Haden
Isabell Haden
Witness: Robt. Carter, Robt. Thent
At a Court helf for Hanover County of Thursday the 1st day of November 1759.
This Deed Indented & the Memorandum of Livery & Seisin thereon Indorsed were proved by the Oath of Robert Carter & Robert Thent, the witnesses thereto & Admitted to Record. Test: William Pollard, DCHC
Virgina, Hanover County to wit. I William Pollard clerk of the Court the County aforesaid to hereby Certify that the foregoing transcript is a true copy from the records of the Court of the said County.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed the seal fo the said County the twenty seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred & one.
William Pollard
The lawsuit actually involved the female slave Angillo or Angelo as she is called in the above deed. Simon's son Zephaniah claimed the slave had been given to him by his grandmother, Isabel Clement Haden. Angillo's son Moses was in the possession of Zephaniah's stepmother, widow of Simon, but Zephaniah thought Moses should be his. Angillo had run away while being transported to North Carolina and was still missing. A copy of the deed had been requested from Hanover and it does state that the slave woman was deeded to Simon Clement. During the testimony we also learn that Simon had lived in Amelia Co, VA, before moving to Granville Co, NC.
Although in most of the correspondence with the Clements descendants, they spelled the name as Hayden, it was always written as "Haden" in these papers. I did take note that Anthony Haden signed some of his deeds in Goochland/Hanover with the same abbreviation, "Antho. Haden", that he used in the above document.
Several deeds, recorded in other counties but referencing Anthony Haden as being of Hanover County, exist, dated both before and after Anthony and Isabel deeded the possessions she brought to their marriage to her son Simon Clement in 1759.
Goochland Deed Book 7; p.58
Nov 1755. Anthony Haden of St. Pauls Parish in Hanover to son William Haden of St. James Northam Parish in Goochland. 200 acres. Purchased of Henry Nash [17 May 1748] and Frances Thurston [19 Sep 1749]. Witness: John Haden, Zachariah Haden, Jeany Haden, Agethe Moseley.
Goochland Deed Book 7; p.58
19 Jan 1756. Anthony Haden of parish of St Pauls in Hanover Co ….Love, goodwill & affection …son Joseph Haden of Parish of St. Anns in Co of Albemarle …200 acres purchased of Richd. Brown [See 19 Nov 1745. DB 5, p.50] in Goochland Co. Signed: Antho.Haden. [No witnesses] Acknowledged by Anthony Haden in Goochland Court 20 Jan 1756.
Goochland Deed Book 7, p.98
29 May 1756 Anthony Haden of Hanover Co for love goodwill and affection towards my loving Grand Daughter Ann Rea of Goochland Co ….following Articles, One Negro man named Charles, two cows and calves, feather bed & furniture, black leather large trunk. Said Ann Rea paying her Mother Elizabeth Rea the sum of 3£ yearly during her life or the life of the said Negro to be recovered by the said Elizabeth Rea and no other. But in case said Ann Rea dies without issue, then the above Negro and articles I give to my son Zachariah Haden on paying Elizabeth Rea the yearly sum above mentioned. Signed: Anthony Haden. Wit: Stephen Nowlin, Daniel Burks, Obedience (O) Nowlin. Acknowledged, Goochland Co 15 Jun 1756. Teste: Val.Wood GCC
Goochland Deed Book 8, p.94
7 Jun 1760. Anthony Haden of Hanover Co for Natural affection & tender Love …Daughter Rachel. Johnson, wife of James Johnson of Albemarle Co ….two Negro girls named Sarah & Isbel & their future increase. Signed: Antho. Haden. Witness: Philip Webber Junr. Anthony Haden acknowledged at Court in Goochland Co 17 Jun 1760.
Henrico Co Deed Book 1750-67
Mar 6, 1761. Henrico Co VA Anthony Haden of Hanover County, deeded to his son-in-law Jacob Ferris and his daughter Ruth Ferris, a negro woman, Aggey and two children Amey and Sarah. Wit: Geo. Clopton and Thomas Haden. Rec. Jun Court 1761.
So, yes Anthony Haden married Isabel Clement, widow of John. Her descendants have never discovered her maiden name. A Goochland deed dated 19 Sep 1749, states that Anthony was then still of Goochland County. John Clement's will was probated 1 Jun 1749. Anthony first appears as "of" Hanover county in November 1755 - presumably he was by then married to Isabel. The last known record of Anthony Haden in the 1763 tax list from Hanover - quite likely on the 200 acres that had been willed to Isabel. She does not appear in subsequent records after the above deed in 1759.
There is no other Anthony Haden living in this part of Virginia during this time period. He did have a grandson also named Anthony Haden, who was born circa 1746, he was, of course, too young for any of the above to have been his records.