Those of us who blog and attend conferences usually receive and wear our Blogger Beads distributed by Thomas MacEntee. The FGS [Federation of Genealogical Societies] Conference beads from Thomas were complimentary of Dear Myrtle. They are a conversation starter! When I return home, they will hang on a door knob with Blogger Beads from past conferences. They'll be ready if I should ever attend Mardi Gras!
I was asked yesterday if I'd been blogging about the Conference ...and I had to reply that I had, but only once. So my conscience is nagging me.
Too busy, having too much fun. And a little brain dead from all the new information. Best class? All of them. Last night - Friday night - was the big drawing of door prizes. Really good door prizes like a registration to FGS next year in Fort Wayne, an iPad, six nights in Salt Lake City, a research trip worth $2500.. I didn't win. No, I did not.
But I did become an arbitrator for FamilySearch indexing. So I'll be arbitrating as well as indexing. FamilySearch has computers set up to introduce indexing - each completed batch was a chance for a FlipPal at the drawing last night. Their new big project is the immigration and naturalization records.
Today, Saturday September 1st, is the last day of class, last day of the Exhibit Hall. Dick Eastman will host his EOGN dinner tonight. There is a farewell Brunch tomorrow for those of us still around. It's been a very fast week.
Then I'm off for a side trip to visit my two granddaughters at their University before I head for home.