Sunday, February 12, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 7

Week 7 - Historical Documents: 
Which historical document in your possession are you happy to have? How did you acquire this item? What does it reveal about your ancestors?

I don't have this document, but I found it at NEGHS in Boston in 2008.  I still have trouble believing it was there.  It was in a manuscript collection in the papers of William Augustus Mowry dated from 1644-1909, Mss 290, Box III, "Comstock" folder.   And this document was indeed the original - to be handled with white gloves only and could not be copied, but I was allowed to photograph it.

This note was written and signed by my Eighth Great Grandfather in 1710 at Providence, Rhode Island, as he was impressing soldiers to go to Port Royal during Queen Anne's War. 
The recipient of the note is Henry Mowry, a neighbor. This document proves without doubt he could read and write and held a position of importance in his community over 400 hundred years ago.  Incredible!

Here is my transcription:

To you Henery Mory of the Second Company of the Town of
Providence you are hereby Required in her majesties
name Anne Queen of Grate Britans &c
to go forth with to Impress one or mor Able Solder to go against
her majesties enemies to Port Ryall that are under my Comand
and make return of your Doing same and for your Acting in
the premeses this warrant Shall be your Discharge given
under my hand this 9th August 1710 -
                                   Samuell Comstock, Capt

Samuel Comstock was born about 1654 in Providence and died there 27 May 1727 as recorded in the Vital Records of Rhode Island, Vol 2, Providence Deaths, p.264, compiled by James N. Arnold.   

Simply Incredible!