William Haden was born maybe 1728-1731. Certainly he was Anthony's son.
Goochland Co, VA, Deed Book 7, p.58 Anthony Haden of St. Pauls in Hanover to son William Haden of St. James Northam in Goochland. 200 acres. Purchased of Henry Nash [17 May 1748] and Frances Thurston [19 Sep 1749]. Witness: John Haden, Zachariah Haden, Jeany Haden, Agethe Moseley.
William's wife was Unity. When they married and what her surname was is not known. A previous blog here:
discusses more about Unity.
William and Unity Haden lived in Louisa Co, VA for a few years. I have not yet found the deed when William sold the 200 acres given to him by his father, but Unity, as his wife, signed a deed in Louisa Co.
Louisa Co., VA Deed Book C, pg 52
1765 July 14th. William Haden to William Ragland for 25 #'s, 150 acres Wm Harris line ...crossing the Southanna River to Harris's line ...Elkanah Ray's corner ...crossing the Southanna River ...Col. Thomas Johnson line. Signed: William Haden, Unity Haden
Witnesses: James Meriwether, William Harris, Elkanah Ray
Then here is William buying land in North Carolina.
Abstracts of Deeds of Rowan Co, NC 1753-1785, Jo White Linn
p.90; DB 6/482 17 Sep 1767 Mathew Sparks and wife Sarah to William Haden for £150, 172 acres in the fork of the Yadkin R adjacent William Sparks grant of 4 Apr 1767. Wit: Benjamin Taylor, James Whitaker.
He seems to have been the first of the Haden brothers to make the move to North Carolina.
William and Unity had six documented children. I discovered several interesting things about their children from the North Carolina records, and I have corresponded with descendants of some of them.
1. Douglas Haden was their eldest. He was entering land in Rowan Co as early 1778. If he had by then turned age 21, he was born say 1755-1757. He may have married quite young because his sons seem to have been born in 1775 and 1776. Douglas married an Elizabeth, but her surname is unknown. Rowan Co records indicate she remarried after the death of Douglas which happened before June of 1801. Her second husband was Charles Burroughs who she married 13 Jan 1804 in Rowan Co. Douglas's father William named Douglas's son, William Douglas "Billy D." Haden as a grandson in his will and many have decided that was the only child of Douglas. Not so. There was also a son Jesse. Several deeds of Rowan Co reveal that Jesse and Billy D. owned property together - property where their mother was living. As far as I know Jesse does not appear in the family in any of the publications about the Haden family, but he left many trails in Rowan Co. He married Rosanna Sloan, 29 Aug 1797, in Rowan County and they had at least six children, five daughters, and a son Franklin W. Haden. Jesse & Rosanna are buried Fitzgerald/Haden Cemetery, Davidson Co NC along with several of their children and grandchildren. Jesse Haden was born 6 Dec 1776 and died 11 May 1836. Billy D. Haden was probably a year older than Jesse. Billy D. was married three times and had four daughters and a son.
2. Margaret "Peggy" Haden was likely the second child. She married David Stockton a year or so before the birth of their only child, son Benjamin, born in 1776. David was a brother to Rev. Robert Stockton who had married Catherine Blakey, Peggy's first cousin. David Stockton died about 1792 and Peggy moved on to Tennessee with her son's family about 1804 and died in Giles Co, TN, 12 Sep 1818.
3. Sarah "Sally" Haden was born perhaps 1758. She was married to William Merrill by about 1776. William was a son of Capt. Benjamin Merrill. Capt Benjamin Merril was hung, then drawn and quartered by Gov. Tryon, for his part in the Battle of Alamance. His lands were conficated but later restored to his widow. Although there is no evidence that Sally & William Merrill ever returned to Goochland Co, VA to live, they did have relatives still there and in 1784, their three oldest children, Timothy, Peggie & Betsy were all baptized on the same day at St. James Northam Parish in Goochland. They subsequently had five more children. About 1803, the Merrills moved to Kentucky and after 1810, Sally and her children moved on to Tennessee - there is a Supreme court case in Tennessee, 1822, when Sally tried to recover slaves that were a gift of her father. She stated that William Merril had left the family some ten years prior to the filing of the bill and was never seen again.[Sally was head of household by the 1810 census in Warren Co, KY.] In 1830, Sally's eldest son Timothy Merrill was living in Carroll Co, TN and had an older woman in his household.
4. Jane or Jenny Haden, born maybe 1760, married her first cousin, Joseph Haden, Jr. on 8 Jan 1783, in Rowan Co NC. They had 10 children. Joseph Haden Jr. left a detailed will and quite a large estate. His estate file is quite large - however, it should be noted that the North Carolina Archives has mixed up the papers of the estates of Joseph Haden, the father, and this Joseph Haden. Joseph Jr. died 16 Feb 1820, Jenny was probably the older lady in the household of her son George in the 1830 Davidson Co NC census. This family has been well documented with reasonable accuracy. Many of the children remained in North Carolina, although daughter Sally Haden Durham moved to Tennessee, son Joseph moved to Macon Co, Alabama and son Alexander eventually settled in Louisiana.
5. Elizabeth "Betsy" Haden, born about 1765 or so married Robert Bradshaw, 3 Apr 1790, Rowan Co. Their children are believed to have been Mary, Unity, William, Austin, and Robert Bradshaw Jr. both Mary and Unity married into the family of Wyatt Foard. The Foard and Bradshaw families had also come to North Carolina from Goochland Co, VA. Robert Bradshaw was married as many as four times and three of his wives were named Elizabeth. Elizabeth Haden was his second wife; all of Robert's children were also hers. Robert Bradshaw married Elizabeth Burris, 14 Jun 1813, so Betsy Haden Bradshaw had died prior to that time.
6. The youngest child Mary [also seen as both Molly and Polly] of William and Unity Haden required a guardian upon William's death, so she was not yet of legal age. John Stokes was appointed her guardian on 4 May 1790. One researcher has linked Mary to a William Lindley but Lindley research shows no such relationship. Apparently the link to a William Lindley was established because of a lady named Mary Haden Lindley who married a Kuykendall and was found in Texas. This lady was born in South Carolina, however, not North Carolina or Tennessee.
Instead, I believe this is the marriage bond of Mary Haden:
2 Feb 1790 - Polly Haiden to John Marshall. Bondsman was Edward Yarbrough.
The date of the marriage bond presents its own problem. It would make no sense for John Stokes to be appointed Molly's guardian in May of 1790 if she had married John Marshall earlier in February, nor would she have been named as Molly "Haden" if she had married. However, there is also no other Mary, Polly or Molly Haden of marriageable age known to be living in Rowan Co at this time.
I ordered a copy of the above marriage bond from the NC State Archives. The bond is plainly signed by John Marshall, with Edwd. Yarbrough as security. The bride's name indeed appears to be Polly Haiden. The bond itself is dated the Second day of February, Anno Domini 1790. However, on the back of the bond is the date, Feby. 2nd 1791. I wonder if since it was so close to the beginning of the new year, 1791, that there is an error on the bond itself. And, as often happens, the clerk wrote 1790 from habit, and this bond was actually in early 1791. That could solve the problem nicely.
Marshall descendants do believe that Mary Haden, daughter of William and Unity, was their ancestor. Mary and John Marshall moved to Montgomery Co, KY where he can be found in the 1820 census. However, family lore suggests Mary died about 1812, because John Marshall married again. Children of John and Mary are believe to have been Unity Lane Marshall, b. 9 Dec 1803, Alexander Marshall, Betsey Marshall, and John Marshall, born about 1807 in Kentucky. Unity Lane Marshall married Nathaniel Hart in Warren Co, MO and they settled in Boone Co, MO. Unity's middle name is one of the reasons that Lane has been suggested for the surname for her grandmother Unity, wife of William Haden.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Anthony Haden - Children of Daughter Ruth Haden Farris
Ruth Haden was born perhaps about 1729 although I believe that to be a guess. She married Jacob Farris, often seen spelled as Ferris. One researcher had a marriage date of 27 Jan 1763 which I believe could have been a typo for the year 1753 - however, I've never been able to confirm a marriage record. I have corresponded with a descendant and she did not have a marriage record. What is known about their children and the following gift of slaves would indicate they did marry in the early to mid 1750's. Ruth and Jacob received a gift of slaves from her father in March of 1761, and they were then apparently living in Henrico Co, VA. Henrico Co Deed Book 1750-67, p.681.
I have done no in depth research on this family myself. Several other researchers have contributed to my information. I suspect there would be much more to discover in the Henry Co VA records.
Their children are named in the will of Jacob Farris, dated 11 Jan 1812, Henry Co VA WB 2, p.96. They are listed here in the order in which they are found in the will. The will was proved September Court session of 1813. A descendant has given me his death date of 18 May 1813.
1. Josiah Farris, probably the eldest son, listed first in his father's will and named as one of the Executors. At least one researcher has estimated his birth as circa 1755.
2. John Farris and two of his sisters received only 25 cents from their father's will, suggesting they had perhaps received previous gifts of land or slaves.
3. Jane Farris, named as Jane Anthony in the will. Jane married the Rev. Joseph Anthony, 14 Aug 1777, Cumberland Co, VA. Perhaps at some point her family lived in that county, before settling in Henry Co. Rev. Anthony was a Baptist minister and he is on tax rolls in Henry Co, 1790 and 1800. He died about 1806. Jane moved to Tennessee with her children [at least one son was married in Sumner Co TN in 1816], and on to Missouri about 1820. She did not stay, but returned to Tennessee after about two years. She is said to have died in Tennessee about 1849.
I think it is important to say here that Jane Farris's husband, the Baptist minister, Joseph Anthony, has been misplaced in many, many online databases. He was NOT the son of Joseph Anthony and Elizabeth Clark. Joseph, husband of Elizabeth, left a recorded will in Henry Co, dated 25 Jan 1786, and Jacob Ferris was one of the appraisors of his property - this couple were the parents of Agnes and Winifred Anthony who married Blakeys and removed to Georgia [see the previous blog about Ann Haden Blakey]. They also had a son named Joseph, named in the Will - and many have assumed this man to be the same as the Baptist minister who married Jane Farris. He was not. The Joseph, son of Joseph Anthony & Elizabeth Clark, married instead to a first cousin, Elizabeth "Betty' Clark, daughter of Micajah Anthony and Judith Adams, and they were part of the removal to Wilkes Co, GA. [Yes, both father and son married an Elizabeth Clark, one the niece of the other.] Young Joseph died in Wilkes Co, 2 Sep 1810. It is quite likely that both the Rev. Joseph Anthony and the Joseph Anthony who died 1810 in Wilkes Co were very close to the same age; it is also likely there is a kinship, since they both seem to have come from Henrico Co VA and settled in Henry Co. Rev. Joseph Anthony has also been placed in the family of a Thomas Anthony and his wife Elizabeth Martin - but this, too, seems to be a wrong connection as Thomas left a will in Surry Co, NC, dated 8 Oct 1816, and does not mention any son named Joseph. I can only conclude that the parentage of the Rev. Joseph Anthony is unknown.
4. Franky [probably Frances] Farris, named as Franky Martin in the will. It is thought her husband was William Martin. Another researcher gave me a birth date for Franky as 30 Jun 1771, but no substantiation for this date.
5. Martha Farris was called Patsy Penn in the will. Her son William Penn was one of the executors of the will of Jacob Farris, along with Jacob's son, Josiah. Some believe she was likely older than her sister Franky, but was left until last in the will as she received a larger share and her grandson was one of the Executors. Martha married George Penn, 8 Dec 1784, Henry Co VA. George Penn was one of the witnesses to the will of Jacob Farris. Both George and Martha died in Rutherford Co. TN in 1828. I believe they both have probate records there. George Penn was on a tax list in Henry Co VA in 1790, but not there in 1800, so perhaps they had already gone to Tennessee by that year.
I have done no in depth research on this family myself. Several other researchers have contributed to my information. I suspect there would be much more to discover in the Henry Co VA records.
Their children are named in the will of Jacob Farris, dated 11 Jan 1812, Henry Co VA WB 2, p.96. They are listed here in the order in which they are found in the will. The will was proved September Court session of 1813. A descendant has given me his death date of 18 May 1813.
1. Josiah Farris, probably the eldest son, listed first in his father's will and named as one of the Executors. At least one researcher has estimated his birth as circa 1755.
2. John Farris and two of his sisters received only 25 cents from their father's will, suggesting they had perhaps received previous gifts of land or slaves.
3. Jane Farris, named as Jane Anthony in the will. Jane married the Rev. Joseph Anthony, 14 Aug 1777, Cumberland Co, VA. Perhaps at some point her family lived in that county, before settling in Henry Co. Rev. Anthony was a Baptist minister and he is on tax rolls in Henry Co, 1790 and 1800. He died about 1806. Jane moved to Tennessee with her children [at least one son was married in Sumner Co TN in 1816], and on to Missouri about 1820. She did not stay, but returned to Tennessee after about two years. She is said to have died in Tennessee about 1849.
I think it is important to say here that Jane Farris's husband, the Baptist minister, Joseph Anthony, has been misplaced in many, many online databases. He was NOT the son of Joseph Anthony and Elizabeth Clark. Joseph, husband of Elizabeth, left a recorded will in Henry Co, dated 25 Jan 1786, and Jacob Ferris was one of the appraisors of his property - this couple were the parents of Agnes and Winifred Anthony who married Blakeys and removed to Georgia [see the previous blog about Ann Haden Blakey]. They also had a son named Joseph, named in the Will - and many have assumed this man to be the same as the Baptist minister who married Jane Farris. He was not. The Joseph, son of Joseph Anthony & Elizabeth Clark, married instead to a first cousin, Elizabeth "Betty' Clark, daughter of Micajah Anthony and Judith Adams, and they were part of the removal to Wilkes Co, GA. [Yes, both father and son married an Elizabeth Clark, one the niece of the other.] Young Joseph died in Wilkes Co, 2 Sep 1810. It is quite likely that both the Rev. Joseph Anthony and the Joseph Anthony who died 1810 in Wilkes Co were very close to the same age; it is also likely there is a kinship, since they both seem to have come from Henrico Co VA and settled in Henry Co. Rev. Joseph Anthony has also been placed in the family of a Thomas Anthony and his wife Elizabeth Martin - but this, too, seems to be a wrong connection as Thomas left a will in Surry Co, NC, dated 8 Oct 1816, and does not mention any son named Joseph. I can only conclude that the parentage of the Rev. Joseph Anthony is unknown.
4. Franky [probably Frances] Farris, named as Franky Martin in the will. It is thought her husband was William Martin. Another researcher gave me a birth date for Franky as 30 Jun 1771, but no substantiation for this date.
5. Martha Farris was called Patsy Penn in the will. Her son William Penn was one of the executors of the will of Jacob Farris, along with Jacob's son, Josiah. Some believe she was likely older than her sister Franky, but was left until last in the will as she received a larger share and her grandson was one of the Executors. Martha married George Penn, 8 Dec 1784, Henry Co VA. George Penn was one of the witnesses to the will of Jacob Farris. Both George and Martha died in Rutherford Co. TN in 1828. I believe they both have probate records there. George Penn was on a tax list in Henry Co VA in 1790, but not there in 1800, so perhaps they had already gone to Tennessee by that year.
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