John Bowles, I believe most probably a brother to Knight Bowles, married Elizabeth Curd, 2 Dec 1764, The Douglas Register. She was the daughter of John Curd and Elizabeth Price and first cousin of Sarah Curd who married Knight Bowles.
On 16 Jan 1759, there was a division of the estate [slaves] of John Curd which named wife Elizabeth and the following children: John, William, Joseph, Mary, Charles, James, Elizabeth, and Ann Curd. [Goochland records. Deed & Will Book 7, p.336]. The estate division assigned to the widow her dower, three slaves, and divided the rest among the eight children. Commissioners were Willm. Miller, Joseph Pollard, and Richd. Pleasants. 3 Sep 1758, the widow Elizabeth Price Curd married Richard Oglesby.
John and Elizabeth had four of their children, Benjamin, Sarah Waddie, Nancy, and Betsy Price, baptized at St. James Northam as recorded in The Douglas Register. The family left Virginia, settling in Union District, South Carolina. John's will names four living children, Benjamin Bowles, Charles K. Bowles, Sally W. Glenn, Betsey Bowles, and two deceased children, daughter Nancy Johnson and John Bowles. This list does not match any particular list of children found online. It is my interpretation of the Will. I believe the Thomas Bowles mentioned in the Will was a son-in-law, the husband of Betsy, not John's son. He would have been eligible for "his part" as the husband of a daughter.
However, the exact dates for the births of all six children were found online and it would seem they have come from a Bible record - they did not come from the out-of-print Bowles, The History of the Bowles Family, by Thomas M. Farquhar, 1907, a book found on Google Books. Four of the birth dates are found in The Douglas Register, Goochland Co, VA. The list of John's children in the Bowles book included a Mollie [instead of Betsey] who married Thomas Bowles, and did not include a daughter Nancy who had married a Johnson, and had a Betsy who married Robert Glenn which doesn't seem to work unless Betsy was married more than once. An examination of the The Douglas Register shows the only Molly Bowles baptized to have been a daughter of Knight Bowles & Sarah Curd. Given the names of the children in the Will, I believe there was no daughter of John's named Molly and that it was Betsy who was married to Thomas Bowles.
1830 Census. Union, South Carolina:
John Bowles: 1m age 80-90He was the only Bowles living in the county. It is evident from the will that his wife had died.
I John Bowles of Union District, and State of S. Carolina do make & ordain this my last will and Testament.
Item: That all my Just debts be paid.
Item: It is my will and desire that my Son Charles K. Bowles pay my two daughters, Sally W. Glenn and Betsey Bowles, or their heirs Eighty Dollars each; also alike sum to the heirs of my Daughter Nancy Johnson dec'd. This being the Substance of an agreement between my said C.K.Bowles & Myself relative to a tract of land in the State of Virginia. The said C.K.Bowles to pay the said heirs the amount of interest from the time of his, the said C. K. Bowles’s collecting the money for what said land was sold. Should the Said C.K.Bowles refuse to pay said Legatees the aforesaid amount with Interest from the time of his collecting the money for said land, then my Executor is to deduct with accruing Interest from his the said C.K. Bowles part of my estate, & pay it to my Daughters, Sally Glenn & Betsey Bowles or their heirs; and the heirs of my Daughter Nancy Johnson.
Item: It is also my will & devise that my executors to reserve out of Thomas Bowles part, the Debt now due & owing by him to my son Charles K. Bowles with Interest up to the time of payment. Provided he the said Thomas Bowles shall fail to make payment, previous to this will’s going into operation; and in that event my Execs. Will pay the above to my son Charles K. Bowles. But if the said Thomas Bowles shall make payment of Said Debt, then he is to be dealt with according to the other provision if my will.
Item That my Exo'r. Provide for the comfortable support and maintenance of my Negro woman Amy.
Item that the balance of my Negroes be Valued & put into lots and drawn for by my Executors; & the Balance of my estate including my Lands be Sold, and my Exor. Make good & lawful titles to the Same; and be equally divided among my children; (viz) Benjamin Bowles, Charles K. Bowles, Sally W. Glenn and Betsey Bowles, or their heirs, & the heirs of my Son John Bowles & my Daughter Nancy Johnson; The heirs of my deceased children receiving collectively, their Fathers of Mothers part.
I hereby Constitute & appoint my Sons Benjamin Bowles and Charles K Bowles of Virginia, and Clough S. Sims, and John B. Glenn of South Carolina my Executors to this my last will & Testament, as witness my hand & Seal this Twenty Sixth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty.
Signed: John Bowles
W. Sims
J. Askew
M. TE. B. Sims
Recorded in will Book B, page 227, 12th Day August, 1836, Union Co, South Carolina.
I believe it likely that John B. Glenn, one of the Executors of the Will, was a son-in-law, the husband of Sally W. Glenn.
In 1817, Knight Bowles' will named a son Thomas who had gone to Kentucky - is this possibly the same Thomas Bowles above? Married to his cousin? Some online databases state that Knight's Thomas was married to an Elizabeth Perkins but this is not substantiated and he could have been married more than one time.
In 1830, I found a John B. Glenn living in Spartanburg, SC - he was age 30-40 as was his supposed spouse.
In 1850, Benjamin Bowles, son of John, was living in Fluvanna Co, VA, age 84. Charles K. Bowles was in Hanover Co, VA, age 63.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Who Were the Parents of Knight Bowles of Goochland Co, VA?
On the Internet in various databases, I find the same Knight Bowles, born 1745/46, listed as a son of David Bowles & Sarah Rice (this is apparently wrong as David Bowles seems to have married first a Sarah Hughes and second a Winifred Rice who outlived him); a son of John Knight Bowles & Sarah Curd (obviously wrong as Sarah Curd was his WIFE, not his mother), a son of Benjamin Bowles and Mary Webber (this couple did at least live in Goochland), and as a son of Thomas Bowles and Mary Anderson, or an unknown wife (I do not find that such a relationship existed between a Thomas Bowles and a Mary Anderson). None of these offer any proof - there are no wills or estate settlements, etc. There were many other Bowles families in Goochland County,. Virginia, contemporaries, so likely Knight had brothers or cousins living there.
I do not know for sure that Knight and John Bowles were brothers, but I believe they likely were. Please see the next post for John's story. They were contemporaries, both married Curd daughters [though not sisters] and had children baptized about the same time at St. James Northam Parish in Goochland. Gideon and Bartlett also seem to be possible candidates for brothers. Gideon & Knight both named a son as Anderson. [I also research Andersons who came from the area of Hanover/Goochland/Louisa Counties and Bartlett is a common given name in that family.] I have found only two possible children for Bartlett - a daughter Cecily born in 1768, baptized at St. James Northam and probably a son named also named Bartlett. Since a younger Bartlett. is mentioned in connection of the estate of the Sarah Bowles below, who may have been the widow of a Philip Bowles, perhaps Bartlett belongs in that family. And possibly all are related in some way. Knight & John Bowles, both named sons John and daughters Nancy, Sarah, and Elizabeth - all incredibly common given names of the time, but John also appears to have given his son Charles the middle of name of Knight.
The Douglas Register has the following Bowles marriages in a close time frame; from the number it's obvious there must have been more than a single Bowles family and there is never a significant generational gap in the records. I have not included all the Bowles records, just the implied marriages prior to 1775 and the actual marriages prior to 1800.
The following were from baptisms of children and are implied marriages - these couples were married by the date shown:
Jerusha Bowles & Samuel Moseby had a child, Mary, baptized 1755. They subsequently had five more children baptized at St. James Northam.
Ruth Bowls & Benjamin Thacker had a child Benjamin, baptized 1757.
Gideon Bowles & Ann Hughes had a child, Jean, baptized 1758. They had eight more children listed.
Mary Bowles & Thomas Perriere had a child John, baptized 1767
Patrick Bowles & Nannie Owen had a daughter, Nannie Jones Bowles, born Nov 1770
Philip Bowles & Sarah Bacon had a son, Thomas, born Dec 1773
These were actual marriage dates:
Oney Bowles, married Andrew Yeargan, 3 Jan 1757 Oney is known to have been the daughter of a Sarah Bowles who died in Caswell Co NC, will dated 31 Oct 1783 which names a son as John, a daughter Mary Washington and a daughter Oney Yeargin. Sarah's husband is believed to have been still another John Bowles - he had 100 acres on Cubb Creek in Caswell, near the Granville Co line, ca 1777, He appears to have been the only Bowles living in Caswell at that time.
Sarah Bowles, married James Cauthon, 28 Sep 1762
John Bowles, married Elizabeth Curd, 2 Dec 1764
Bartlet Bowles, married Ann Owen, 13 Nov 1766
Knight Bowles married Sarah Curd, 19 Feb 1767
Another John Bowles, son of Benjamin, dec'd, married Mary Redford, dau of William, dec'd, 9 Nov 1768
Susanna Bowles, married Jo. Wade, 13 Oct 1770
Frances Bowles , married Josh Barner, 10 Jun 1772
Sarah Bowles, married Stephen Perkins, 13 Dec 1772
Jesse Bowles, married Hannah Perkins, 3 Mar 1773
Frankie Bowles, married Bartlet Ford, 20 Mar 1774
Susannah Bowles, married William Hughes, 10 Apr 1775/79
William Bowles, married Elizabeth Napier, 14 Feb 1778
Martha Bowles, married Humphrey Gains, 18 Feb 1779
I cannot identify the following Sarah Bowles. John, Knight, and Bartlett are often seen as brothers, and Charles Knight Bowles was a son of John, but the father of John & Knight is not consistent in online databases as described earlier. There is an implied marriage in the Register; Philip Bowles & Sarah Bacon had a son Thomas baptized on 14 Feb 1774, he was born 29 Dec 1773. This seems to be the only candidate for the following widow named Sarah. A Susannah Bowles married William Hughes, 10 Apr 1775 or 79, St. James Northam, Goochland Co, VA, according to The Douglas Register, by the Rev. William Douglas, 1928. They may have had a son of the same name. Perhaps there is some relationship between Philip & Susannah Bowles, given the widow is Sarah and William Hughes was the administrator of her estate. J. Haden is undoubtedly the same Joseph Haden who witnessed the Will of Knight Bowles [Joseph was a brother to my husband's direct Haden ancestor]. William G. Poindexter was William Green Poindexter, son of Rev. John Poindexter [I am a very distant cousin to these Poindexters].
Will Book 2,Pg 139
Fluvanna, to wit:
In obedience to an order of the Worshipful Court of Fluvanna, We(the undersigned have examined the Accts. Of Wm. Hughes, Serv. Adm. Of the estate of Sarah Bowles, dec’d(on Oath) and find it to fairly Stated as within will appear. It is also further stated by the said Adm. That there is a Bond belonging to sd. Estate, given by Wm. Roysler/Royster dec’d. on the 3rd of Jany 1803 on demand for 611#.5”6 which was delivered to Wm. G.Poindexter, Atty. At Law, to bring suit on, as appears also by a recd. From sd. Atty. For sd. Bond, which belongs to the Legatees of Sarah Bowles, dec’d. & that he this? Adm. Has no claim in it, further than his part as a Legatee in sd. Estate, if it ever should be recovered & collected. Certified under our hands this 17th day of July 1813.
J. Haden
Abra. Venable
John Holland
William Hughes Serv. Adm. of Sarah Bowles Dec’d. in acct with said estate.
Money rec’d from John Bowles of Bond 32#9”
Interest 7 months 1#2”10 1/4
Money Rec’d from Knight Bowles….30#
Balance yet due from Knight Bowles…3#15”7
Money Rec’d from Bartlett Bowles…. 6”
Money Rec’d from Anderson Bryant……..3”
Money Rec’d from Tarlton Rice…………..11”7
Money Rec’d from Stephen Farrar…………12”
By sundry Tickets to the Clk of Goochland, the Clk of the Gen. Court
To Wm. G. Poindextor, Atty at Law……2#2”9
By cash paid Charles Knight Bowles….4#
By cash yet due Charles Knight Bowles…..4#+
Midwifes fee….12”
By Tickets due the Clk of Fluvanna for order, and report of Administration….6”
By expenses and trouble attending to the administration of sd. Estate….3#12”
At a Court of monthly session held for Fluvanna County on Monday the 26th day of July 1813. This Account and Report of the Settlement of the Adm. Of the Estate of Sarah Bowles, dec’d by William Hughes, Serv. Adm. Was this day returned and ordered to be recorded.
Knight Bowles wife, Sarah Curd, was named in the will of her father, Richard Curd. His will dated 22 Jun 1778, proved 19 Oct 1778. Richard Curd named his wife Sarah and nine children: Ann Redford, Edmund Curd, Mary Perkins, Sary Bowles, Elizabeth Underwood, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Suzanna Pollock, and Ann Williams Curd. Goochland Deed & Will Book 12, p.194. The will states: "At the decease of my wife, her half of said Tract called the Piney Woods Tract, to be equally divided between daughters Mary Perkins, Sarah Bowles, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Susanna Pollock & Ann Williams Curd"
This tract was sold, Goochland DB 14,p.445,16 Aug 1784, and Sarah Curd Bowles does not appear as one of the owners. I believe she had died by August of 1784. Benjamin Perkins and Mary his wife, Thos. Hatcher and Lucy his wife, Thos. Pollock & Susannah his wife, Frances Curd to George Underwood 150£. 173 acres and 1/3 part of an acre being part of a larger tract of land - Piney Woods Tract. Land given by Richd Curd in his will to Mary Perkins, Lucy Walker now Lucy Hatcher, Susanna Pollock and Frances Curd, all daughters of the sd Richd. Curd. Adjoining land of Colo. John Curd, Edward McBride, Archer Payne & George Underwood.
The only wife who signed was Susannah Pollock.
Wit: James George, Francis Underwood, Ezekiel Perkins
20 Sep 1784. Acknowledged by Perkins, Hatcher, Pollock & Curd to be their acts. 21 Aug 1787 Susanna, wife of Thomas Pollock & Lucy wife of Thomas Hatcher were examined & relinquished their right.
Knight Bowles married second to Martha who was the widow of John Ellis. A bequest in the will of Knight Bowles to his son Drury Wood Bowles was "all the chairs I bought from the estate of Drury Wood deceased". Likely Martha was nee Martha Wood. Drury Wood Bowles, the youngest child was surely a child of Martha; Elizabeth, a child handicapped in some way, may also have been Martha's.
The children are listed here as in his Will dated 27 May 1817, Fluvanna Co VA. The will was submitted to Probate by Anderson Bowles 23 Oct 1820.
He named beloved wife Polly [Note: I suspect this should have read Patty, the nickname for Martha, probably the T's not crossed. Or there is an unknown later marriage. I have not seen the original copy, only a full transcription online.] to have free use of where he now resides during her widowhood, livestock, his clock.
1. Son Anderson, woman Fillis & her children
2. Daughter Molley Flanagan, wife of James, woman Anna
3. Son Thomas, girl Milley which he took with him to Kentucky
4. Daughter Sally Malloy, woman Franky and her increase
5. Daughter Fanney Perkins, woman Tabby and children which she has in her possession
6. grandson Knight B. Curd, lad named Phil [probably the daughter Nancy baptized at St. James Northam married Daniel Curd and this was her only child born before her death]
7. Lend to daughter-in-law Elizabeth Bowles, widow of son Richard C., until children Sally Ann & John N. Bowles come of age, the negro man Stephen now in possession of my daughter-in-law
8. Son John, in his lifetime, the man Winson who is now dead; his children to have a negro of equal value
9. Son Drury W. Bowles, negro woman, Charity or one of her children and a tract of land, adjoining Grubbs, William Hughes, John Martin and chairs bought from estate of Drury Wood, deceased.
10. To grandson Benjamin C. Johnson, $50 [daughter Molly was married first to Benjamin C. Johnson by whom she had this child; Molly married James Flanagan after the death of the older Benjamin Johnson]11. Negroes George & Anna to remain in the hands of executors for support of daughter Elizabeth
After death of wife, remainder to be divided into ten equal parts:
1/10 to daughter Sally Molloy; 1/10 to son Anderson; 1/10 to grandchildren, son of son John: Richard K., Lucy A. & Augustus Knight Bowles; 1/10 to Frances Perkins; 1/10 for support of dau Elizabeth; 1/10 to son Thomas; 1/10 to son Drury W./ 1/10 to Sally Ann & John N. Bowles, children of son Richard; 1/10 to Knight B. Curd; 1/10 after the $50 to Benjamin C. Johnson, then the rest between him & Sally Ann & John N. Bowles. [Note: This list of 10 parts omits daughter Molly Flanagan, but does include her son Benjamin C. Johnson]Executors: Sons Anderson & Drury W. Bowles. Friends Benjamin Bowles and John B. Perkins.
Signed in presence of J. Haden, Richard H. Hope, John Martinson, Reuben Martin, James Busy, G. W. Richardson.
Proved by Joseph Haden & George W. Richardson. Anderson Bowles applied as executor. Bond of $20,000 with William Hughes Jr. & Knight B. Perkins, security.
Full transcript of the Will:
I Knight Bowles of the County of Fluvanna do make constitute and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following to wit:
1st I lend to my beloved wife [?]Polly Bowles the free use of the land and appurtenances whereon I now reside except the part hereinafter mentioned during her widowhood should she wish to continue thereon: On the following conditions (that is to say) provided she relinquishes to my estate for the same term the interest which she holds by virtue of her right of dower in a Tract or parcel of land in Henrico County. I lend her also in like manner two horses, she taking choice out of my stock of horses and also as many sheep, cattle and hog as may thought by my executors sufficient for her: Also as much corn and meal as will be sufficient for her for one year. Also the use of my clock during the same period, it being my wish for it not to be removed from where it is.
2nd I confirm to my son Anderson the fee simple right to negro woman named Fillis and her children to him and his heirs forever.
3rd I confirm to my daughter Molley Flanagan the wife of James Flanagan the fee simple right to a negro woman named Anna to her and her heirs forever together with her children, meaning to her heirs lawfully begotten of body.
4th I confirm to my son Thomas Bowles the fee simple right to a negro girl named Milley which girl he took with him to Kentucky her and her increase to him and his heirs forever.
5th I confirm unto my daughter Sally Malloy the fee simple right to a negro woman named Franky and also all her increase to her and her heirs forever.
6th I confirm unto my daughter Fanney Perkins the fee simple right to a negro woman named Tabby and all her increase to her and her heirs forever which negro woman and children she now has in possession.
7th I give to my grandson Knight B. Curd on conditions hereafter mentioned one negro lad named Phil but if my said grandson should die without lawful heir, then it's my will that the said negro should return to my estate and be divided as hereafter will be directed to be divided but in case of issue to go to that or them as the case may be forever.
8th I lend to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Bowles, widow of my deceased. son Richard C. Bowles, till my said son's children, Sally Ann Bowles and John N. Bowles, come of age or marries or she my said daughter-in-law should marry at which time may happen first I confirm the right of a negro man, Stephen, now in possession of my said daughter-in-law to my said two grandchildren and their heirs forever.
9th Having heretofore given my son John Bowles in his lifetime one negro man named Winson which said negro is now dead, it is now my will that his children have out of my estate a negro of equal value or the value in money also one feather bed and furniture to them and their heirs forever.
10th I give to my son Drury W. Bowles his choice of my negro woman to wit, Charity or one of her children, also the following tract of land viz. Beginning at a corner pine on Grubbs line near a pond on the south side of the road known by the name of the pond drean, then a strait line so as to include the spring I now use, thence a line so as to include the barn, thence the nearest course to the fence or edge of the woods North of my house: thence with the fence to the gate near the road: thence to the road and up the road to where William Hughes' line and my line crosses the road: thence along Hughes' line till it intersects with John Martin's line: thence with Martin's line and my own till it crosses the pond drean: thence up the pond drean to the first named place and corner pine. Also all the chairs I bought from the estate of Drury Wood deceased. all of which negro, land and chairs are to him and his heirs forever.
11th I give to my grandson Benjamin C. Johnson fifty dollars to him and his heirs forever.
I desire and my will is that a negro girl and a negro boy named George and Anna remain in the hands of my executors hereinafter named for the support of my daughter Elizabeth.
12th I desire that all my just debts be paid the remainder and residue of my estate not herein before given away including what is lent to my wife and debts due to me or that may become due to me and also the Negroes ? for the support of my daughter Elizabeth, after her death shall be divided into ten equal parts viz
13th One tenth part to my daughter Sally Molloy to her and her heirs forever
14th One tenth to my son Anderson and his heirs forever
15th One tenth to my three grandchildren, the children of my son John viz: Richard K. Bowles, Lucy A. Bowles and Augustus Knight Bowles to them and their heirs forever.
16th One tenth to my daughter Frances Perkins and her heirs forever.
17th One tenth to remain in the hands of my executors for the further support of my daughter Elizabeth in addition to the aforementioned negroes left for that purpose and at her my said daughter's death to be divided in the same way
18th One tenth to my son Thomas to him and his heirs forever
19th One tenth to my son Drury W. Bowles and his heirs forever
20th One tenth to my two grandchildren, Sally Ann Bowles and John N. Bowles to them and their heirs forever
21st One tenth to my grandson Knight B. Curd under the same restrictions as Item 7
22nd One tenth to be disposed of as follows, first to pay the legacy given to my grandson Benjamin C. Johnson (say fifty dollars) the balance then remaining I give to be equally divided between my said grandson and my two grandchildren Sally Ann Bowles and John N. Bowles to them and their heirs forever.
Item. Whereas it may appear by the first clause in my will that my clock is always to continue where she is in order that it may be rightly understood it is my wish that she be divided after the loan of her to my wife expires in the same way as is divided in the division of my other estate not given away.
Lastly I appoint my sons Anderson Bowles, Drury W. Bowles and my friends Benjamin Bowles and John B. Perkins Executors to this my last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made declaring this to be my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of May 1817.
Signed or acknowledged
In presence of
Bart X Bowles
Richard H. Hope
John Martinson
Reuben Martin
James Busy
G. W. Richardson
J. Haden
At a court of quarterly His sessions held for Fluvanna County on the 28th day of August 1820 this day in open court This Will was proved by the oaths of Joseph Haden and George W. Richardson Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
And at a court of monthly session held for Fluvanna County on Monday the 23rd day of October 1820 This will was this day presented in court and on the motion of Anderson Bowles an executor therein named who made oath thereto as the law directs and entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of Twenty Thousand Dollars with William Hughes Jr. and Knight B. Perkins his securities conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form and time is allowed the other executors therein named to qualify thereto.
John Timberlake, CFC
A Copy??Teste
G. E. M. Winn, DC
I do not know for sure that Knight and John Bowles were brothers, but I believe they likely were. Please see the next post for John's story. They were contemporaries, both married Curd daughters [though not sisters] and had children baptized about the same time at St. James Northam Parish in Goochland. Gideon and Bartlett also seem to be possible candidates for brothers. Gideon & Knight both named a son as Anderson. [I also research Andersons who came from the area of Hanover/Goochland/Louisa Counties and Bartlett is a common given name in that family.] I have found only two possible children for Bartlett - a daughter Cecily born in 1768, baptized at St. James Northam and probably a son named also named Bartlett. Since a younger Bartlett. is mentioned in connection of the estate of the Sarah Bowles below, who may have been the widow of a Philip Bowles, perhaps Bartlett belongs in that family. And possibly all are related in some way. Knight & John Bowles, both named sons John and daughters Nancy, Sarah, and Elizabeth - all incredibly common given names of the time, but John also appears to have given his son Charles the middle of name of Knight.
The Douglas Register has the following Bowles marriages in a close time frame; from the number it's obvious there must have been more than a single Bowles family and there is never a significant generational gap in the records. I have not included all the Bowles records, just the implied marriages prior to 1775 and the actual marriages prior to 1800.
The following were from baptisms of children and are implied marriages - these couples were married by the date shown:
Jerusha Bowles & Samuel Moseby had a child, Mary, baptized 1755. They subsequently had five more children baptized at St. James Northam.
Ruth Bowls & Benjamin Thacker had a child Benjamin, baptized 1757.
Gideon Bowles & Ann Hughes had a child, Jean, baptized 1758. They had eight more children listed.
Mary Bowles & Thomas Perriere had a child John, baptized 1767
Patrick Bowles & Nannie Owen had a daughter, Nannie Jones Bowles, born Nov 1770
Philip Bowles & Sarah Bacon had a son, Thomas, born Dec 1773
These were actual marriage dates:
Oney Bowles, married Andrew Yeargan, 3 Jan 1757 Oney is known to have been the daughter of a Sarah Bowles who died in Caswell Co NC, will dated 31 Oct 1783 which names a son as John, a daughter Mary Washington and a daughter Oney Yeargin. Sarah's husband is believed to have been still another John Bowles - he had 100 acres on Cubb Creek in Caswell, near the Granville Co line, ca 1777, He appears to have been the only Bowles living in Caswell at that time.
Sarah Bowles, married James Cauthon, 28 Sep 1762
John Bowles, married Elizabeth Curd, 2 Dec 1764
Bartlet Bowles, married Ann Owen, 13 Nov 1766
Knight Bowles married Sarah Curd, 19 Feb 1767
Another John Bowles, son of Benjamin, dec'd, married Mary Redford, dau of William, dec'd, 9 Nov 1768
Susanna Bowles, married Jo. Wade, 13 Oct 1770
Frances Bowles , married Josh Barner, 10 Jun 1772
Sarah Bowles, married Stephen Perkins, 13 Dec 1772
Jesse Bowles, married Hannah Perkins, 3 Mar 1773
Frankie Bowles, married Bartlet Ford, 20 Mar 1774
Susannah Bowles, married William Hughes, 10 Apr 1775/79
William Bowles, married Elizabeth Napier, 14 Feb 1778
Martha Bowles, married Humphrey Gains, 18 Feb 1779
I cannot identify the following Sarah Bowles. John, Knight, and Bartlett are often seen as brothers, and Charles Knight Bowles was a son of John, but the father of John & Knight is not consistent in online databases as described earlier. There is an implied marriage in the Register; Philip Bowles & Sarah Bacon had a son Thomas baptized on 14 Feb 1774, he was born 29 Dec 1773. This seems to be the only candidate for the following widow named Sarah. A Susannah Bowles married William Hughes, 10 Apr 1775 or 79, St. James Northam, Goochland Co, VA, according to The Douglas Register, by the Rev. William Douglas, 1928. They may have had a son of the same name. Perhaps there is some relationship between Philip & Susannah Bowles, given the widow is Sarah and William Hughes was the administrator of her estate. J. Haden is undoubtedly the same Joseph Haden who witnessed the Will of Knight Bowles [Joseph was a brother to my husband's direct Haden ancestor]. William G. Poindexter was William Green Poindexter, son of Rev. John Poindexter [I am a very distant cousin to these Poindexters].
Will Book 2,Pg 139
Fluvanna, to wit:
In obedience to an order of the Worshipful Court of Fluvanna, We(the undersigned have examined the Accts. Of Wm. Hughes, Serv. Adm. Of the estate of Sarah Bowles, dec’d(on Oath) and find it to fairly Stated as within will appear. It is also further stated by the said Adm. That there is a Bond belonging to sd. Estate, given by Wm. Roysler/Royster dec’d. on the 3rd of Jany 1803 on demand for 611#.5”6 which was delivered to Wm. G.Poindexter, Atty. At Law, to bring suit on, as appears also by a recd. From sd. Atty. For sd. Bond, which belongs to the Legatees of Sarah Bowles, dec’d. & that he this? Adm. Has no claim in it, further than his part as a Legatee in sd. Estate, if it ever should be recovered & collected. Certified under our hands this 17th day of July 1813.
J. Haden
Abra. Venable
John Holland
William Hughes Serv. Adm. of Sarah Bowles Dec’d. in acct with said estate.
Money rec’d from John Bowles of Bond 32#9”
Interest 7 months 1#2”10 1/4
Money Rec’d from Knight Bowles….30#
Balance yet due from Knight Bowles…3#15”7
Money Rec’d from Bartlett Bowles…. 6”
Money Rec’d from Anderson Bryant……..3”
Money Rec’d from Tarlton Rice…………..11”7
Money Rec’d from Stephen Farrar…………12”
By sundry Tickets to the Clk of Goochland, the Clk of the Gen. Court
To Wm. G. Poindextor, Atty at Law……2#2”9
By cash paid Charles Knight Bowles….4#
By cash yet due Charles Knight Bowles…..4#+
Midwifes fee….12”
By Tickets due the Clk of Fluvanna for order, and report of Administration….6”
By expenses and trouble attending to the administration of sd. Estate….3#12”
At a Court of monthly session held for Fluvanna County on Monday the 26th day of July 1813. This Account and Report of the Settlement of the Adm. Of the Estate of Sarah Bowles, dec’d by William Hughes, Serv. Adm. Was this day returned and ordered to be recorded.
Knight Bowles wife, Sarah Curd, was named in the will of her father, Richard Curd. His will dated 22 Jun 1778, proved 19 Oct 1778. Richard Curd named his wife Sarah and nine children: Ann Redford, Edmund Curd, Mary Perkins, Sary Bowles, Elizabeth Underwood, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Suzanna Pollock, and Ann Williams Curd. Goochland Deed & Will Book 12, p.194. The will states: "At the decease of my wife, her half of said Tract called the Piney Woods Tract, to be equally divided between daughters Mary Perkins, Sarah Bowles, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Susanna Pollock & Ann Williams Curd"
This tract was sold, Goochland DB 14,p.445,16 Aug 1784, and Sarah Curd Bowles does not appear as one of the owners. I believe she had died by August of 1784. Benjamin Perkins and Mary his wife, Thos. Hatcher and Lucy his wife, Thos. Pollock & Susannah his wife, Frances Curd to George Underwood 150£. 173 acres and 1/3 part of an acre being part of a larger tract of land - Piney Woods Tract. Land given by Richd Curd in his will to Mary Perkins, Lucy Walker now Lucy Hatcher, Susanna Pollock and Frances Curd, all daughters of the sd Richd. Curd. Adjoining land of Colo. John Curd, Edward McBride, Archer Payne & George Underwood.
The only wife who signed was Susannah Pollock.
Wit: James George, Francis Underwood, Ezekiel Perkins
20 Sep 1784. Acknowledged by Perkins, Hatcher, Pollock & Curd to be their acts. 21 Aug 1787 Susanna, wife of Thomas Pollock & Lucy wife of Thomas Hatcher were examined & relinquished their right.
Knight Bowles married second to Martha who was the widow of John Ellis. A bequest in the will of Knight Bowles to his son Drury Wood Bowles was "all the chairs I bought from the estate of Drury Wood deceased". Likely Martha was nee Martha Wood. Drury Wood Bowles, the youngest child was surely a child of Martha; Elizabeth, a child handicapped in some way, may also have been Martha's.
The children are listed here as in his Will dated 27 May 1817, Fluvanna Co VA. The will was submitted to Probate by Anderson Bowles 23 Oct 1820.
He named beloved wife Polly [Note: I suspect this should have read Patty, the nickname for Martha, probably the T's not crossed. Or there is an unknown later marriage. I have not seen the original copy, only a full transcription online.] to have free use of where he now resides during her widowhood, livestock, his clock.
1. Son Anderson, woman Fillis & her children
2. Daughter Molley Flanagan, wife of James, woman Anna
3. Son Thomas, girl Milley which he took with him to Kentucky
4. Daughter Sally Malloy, woman Franky and her increase
5. Daughter Fanney Perkins, woman Tabby and children which she has in her possession
6. grandson Knight B. Curd, lad named Phil [probably the daughter Nancy baptized at St. James Northam married Daniel Curd and this was her only child born before her death]
7. Lend to daughter-in-law Elizabeth Bowles, widow of son Richard C., until children Sally Ann & John N. Bowles come of age, the negro man Stephen now in possession of my daughter-in-law
8. Son John, in his lifetime, the man Winson who is now dead; his children to have a negro of equal value
9. Son Drury W. Bowles, negro woman, Charity or one of her children and a tract of land, adjoining Grubbs, William Hughes, John Martin and chairs bought from estate of Drury Wood, deceased.
10. To grandson Benjamin C. Johnson, $50 [daughter Molly was married first to Benjamin C. Johnson by whom she had this child; Molly married James Flanagan after the death of the older Benjamin Johnson]11. Negroes George & Anna to remain in the hands of executors for support of daughter Elizabeth
After death of wife, remainder to be divided into ten equal parts:
1/10 to daughter Sally Molloy; 1/10 to son Anderson; 1/10 to grandchildren, son of son John: Richard K., Lucy A. & Augustus Knight Bowles; 1/10 to Frances Perkins; 1/10 for support of dau Elizabeth; 1/10 to son Thomas; 1/10 to son Drury W./ 1/10 to Sally Ann & John N. Bowles, children of son Richard; 1/10 to Knight B. Curd; 1/10 after the $50 to Benjamin C. Johnson, then the rest between him & Sally Ann & John N. Bowles. [Note: This list of 10 parts omits daughter Molly Flanagan, but does include her son Benjamin C. Johnson]Executors: Sons Anderson & Drury W. Bowles. Friends Benjamin Bowles and John B. Perkins.
Signed in presence of J. Haden, Richard H. Hope, John Martinson, Reuben Martin, James Busy, G. W. Richardson.
Proved by Joseph Haden & George W. Richardson. Anderson Bowles applied as executor. Bond of $20,000 with William Hughes Jr. & Knight B. Perkins, security.
Full transcript of the Will:
I Knight Bowles of the County of Fluvanna do make constitute and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following to wit:
1st I lend to my beloved wife [?]Polly Bowles the free use of the land and appurtenances whereon I now reside except the part hereinafter mentioned during her widowhood should she wish to continue thereon: On the following conditions (that is to say) provided she relinquishes to my estate for the same term the interest which she holds by virtue of her right of dower in a Tract or parcel of land in Henrico County. I lend her also in like manner two horses, she taking choice out of my stock of horses and also as many sheep, cattle and hog as may thought by my executors sufficient for her: Also as much corn and meal as will be sufficient for her for one year. Also the use of my clock during the same period, it being my wish for it not to be removed from where it is.
2nd I confirm to my son Anderson the fee simple right to negro woman named Fillis and her children to him and his heirs forever.
3rd I confirm to my daughter Molley Flanagan the wife of James Flanagan the fee simple right to a negro woman named Anna to her and her heirs forever together with her children, meaning to her heirs lawfully begotten of body.
4th I confirm to my son Thomas Bowles the fee simple right to a negro girl named Milley which girl he took with him to Kentucky her and her increase to him and his heirs forever.
5th I confirm unto my daughter Sally Malloy the fee simple right to a negro woman named Franky and also all her increase to her and her heirs forever.
6th I confirm unto my daughter Fanney Perkins the fee simple right to a negro woman named Tabby and all her increase to her and her heirs forever which negro woman and children she now has in possession.
7th I give to my grandson Knight B. Curd on conditions hereafter mentioned one negro lad named Phil but if my said grandson should die without lawful heir, then it's my will that the said negro should return to my estate and be divided as hereafter will be directed to be divided but in case of issue to go to that or them as the case may be forever.
8th I lend to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Bowles, widow of my deceased. son Richard C. Bowles, till my said son's children, Sally Ann Bowles and John N. Bowles, come of age or marries or she my said daughter-in-law should marry at which time may happen first I confirm the right of a negro man, Stephen, now in possession of my said daughter-in-law to my said two grandchildren and their heirs forever.
9th Having heretofore given my son John Bowles in his lifetime one negro man named Winson which said negro is now dead, it is now my will that his children have out of my estate a negro of equal value or the value in money also one feather bed and furniture to them and their heirs forever.
10th I give to my son Drury W. Bowles his choice of my negro woman to wit, Charity or one of her children, also the following tract of land viz. Beginning at a corner pine on Grubbs line near a pond on the south side of the road known by the name of the pond drean, then a strait line so as to include the spring I now use, thence a line so as to include the barn, thence the nearest course to the fence or edge of the woods North of my house: thence with the fence to the gate near the road: thence to the road and up the road to where William Hughes' line and my line crosses the road: thence along Hughes' line till it intersects with John Martin's line: thence with Martin's line and my own till it crosses the pond drean: thence up the pond drean to the first named place and corner pine. Also all the chairs I bought from the estate of Drury Wood deceased. all of which negro, land and chairs are to him and his heirs forever.
11th I give to my grandson Benjamin C. Johnson fifty dollars to him and his heirs forever.
I desire and my will is that a negro girl and a negro boy named George and Anna remain in the hands of my executors hereinafter named for the support of my daughter Elizabeth.
12th I desire that all my just debts be paid the remainder and residue of my estate not herein before given away including what is lent to my wife and debts due to me or that may become due to me and also the Negroes ? for the support of my daughter Elizabeth, after her death shall be divided into ten equal parts viz
13th One tenth part to my daughter Sally Molloy to her and her heirs forever
14th One tenth to my son Anderson and his heirs forever
15th One tenth to my three grandchildren, the children of my son John viz: Richard K. Bowles, Lucy A. Bowles and Augustus Knight Bowles to them and their heirs forever.
16th One tenth to my daughter Frances Perkins and her heirs forever.
17th One tenth to remain in the hands of my executors for the further support of my daughter Elizabeth in addition to the aforementioned negroes left for that purpose and at her my said daughter's death to be divided in the same way
18th One tenth to my son Thomas to him and his heirs forever
19th One tenth to my son Drury W. Bowles and his heirs forever
20th One tenth to my two grandchildren, Sally Ann Bowles and John N. Bowles to them and their heirs forever
21st One tenth to my grandson Knight B. Curd under the same restrictions as Item 7
22nd One tenth to be disposed of as follows, first to pay the legacy given to my grandson Benjamin C. Johnson (say fifty dollars) the balance then remaining I give to be equally divided between my said grandson and my two grandchildren Sally Ann Bowles and John N. Bowles to them and their heirs forever.
Item. Whereas it may appear by the first clause in my will that my clock is always to continue where she is in order that it may be rightly understood it is my wish that she be divided after the loan of her to my wife expires in the same way as is divided in the division of my other estate not given away.
Lastly I appoint my sons Anderson Bowles, Drury W. Bowles and my friends Benjamin Bowles and John B. Perkins Executors to this my last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made declaring this to be my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of May 1817.
Signed or acknowledged
In presence of
Bart X Bowles
Richard H. Hope
John Martinson
Reuben Martin
James Busy
G. W. Richardson
J. Haden
At a court of quarterly His sessions held for Fluvanna County on the 28th day of August 1820 this day in open court This Will was proved by the oaths of Joseph Haden and George W. Richardson Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
And at a court of monthly session held for Fluvanna County on Monday the 23rd day of October 1820 This will was this day presented in court and on the motion of Anderson Bowles an executor therein named who made oath thereto as the law directs and entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of Twenty Thousand Dollars with William Hughes Jr. and Knight B. Perkins his securities conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form and time is allowed the other executors therein named to qualify thereto.
John Timberlake, CFC
A Copy??Teste
G. E. M. Winn, DC
Monday, July 6, 2009
Who Were the Parents of Nancy M. Bowles?
Information about the Bowles family on the Internet is full of conflicts and contradictions. I would appreciate any comments from Bowles researchers. This post raises the question of the parents of Nancy M. Bowles who married John Jefferson Williams about 1813 probably in Warren County, Tennessee. Censuses indicate she was born about 1796 in Virginia; she died 27 Mar 1876 in St. Francois County, in southeast Missouri, where the family had moved about 1829. John and Nancy had 11 children - their daughter Sarah, born 1833, married Andrew White about 1859 and they were one set of my husband's great, great grandparents.
John Jefferson Williams is believed to have been the son of Robert Williams and Charlotte Scott. I found John on, see later. In 1806, Robert Williams's family moved from North Carolina to South Carolina, then on to Tennessee. His wife Charlotte died in Shelby Co TN, near Memphis, on 14 Nov 1828. He then moved on to Missouri in 1838 and lived with various children. He died on his 76th birthday.
1830 Census, St. Francois Co MO. John J. Williams, 3 m children under 5 [Thomas, John & Elias], 1 m age 30-40 [John J.]; 1f -5 [Mary], 2f 5-10 [Charlotta & Frances], 1f 10-15 [Louisa], 1f 30-40 [Nancy]
Just a few households away was Ambrose Williams, also age 30-40 with a spouse of the same age. 1m -5, 1f -5, 1f 5-10. [Probably John J.'s brother]
1840 Census, St. Francois Co MO. Liberty Township.
John J. Williams. 1m 5-10 [Ambrose], 1m 10-15 [Elias], 2m 15-10 [John & Thomas], 1m 20-30 [??], 1m 40-50 [John J.] 2f -5 [Nancy & ??], 2f 5-10 [Lucinda & Sarah], 1f 10-15 [Mary], 1f 15-20 [Charlotta], 1f 40-50 [Nancy]
Louisa & Frances had both married.
1850 Census, District 80, St. Francois Co MO. E. C. Sebastian, enumerator. Household 107.
John J. Williams, age 56, b. SC. Nancy same age, b. VA. Elias age 22, b. TN. Ambrose age 18, b. MO as were all the rest of the children: Sarah & Lucinda 15, Nancy 11, Mary 21.
1860 Census, Liberty Twp, St. Francois Co MO, p.23, Household 155.
John J. Williams, age 67, b. SC, Nancy age 63, b. VA.
I have not been able to find John J. & Nancy in 1870. Were they perhaps living with a married daughter?
John J. and Nancy are buried Libertyville Christian Cemetery, Libertyville, St. Francois Co, MO.
Only John is listed on FindAGrave. Born 10 Nov 1792, North Carolina. Died 17 Nov 1874, Knob Lick, St. Francois Co, Missouri. Note says he was married to Nancy M. Bowles in 1813. There is no picture and I wonder if this grave was marked at some later date. There were only 22 graves listed. However, FindAGrave also has Libertyville Christian Church Cemetery with 89 listings . This would seem to be two names for the same Cemetery.
Nancy M. Bowles, b. Nov 1796, SC. d. 28 Mar 1876, Knob Lick, St. Francois Co, MO. Married to John J. Williams in 1813. [submitted by the same person who had sent John J.'s entry]
Nancy M. Bowles Williams who is said to share a double tombstone with her husband, but no dates. These two entries submitted by two different people.
One database, apparently from a book on the Williams Family by Cora Louesa Williams, p. 7 states that Nancy M. Bowles was Cherokee. I very much doubt this - there were way too many Bowles families in colonial Virginia and in 1850 and 1860, and she gave her place of birth as Virginia.
I doubt very much that Nancy has been correctly placed in the Bowles family - she is most often seen as a daughter of John Bowles and Mary Redford/Radford. But I believe she might be of the next generation instead - she was born some 28 years after their marriage.
Marriages of Goochland County Virginia 1733-1815, Compiled and Published by Kathleen Booth Williams, p 13
27 November 1768. John BOWLES and Mary Redford, dau. of William Redford, deceased. Sur. John Cannon. Elizabeth Bowles makes affadavit that John, 21 years old last May, is son of Benjamin Bowles, deceased.
The Douglas Register gives the marriage as 9 November 1768, and says "in Hanover".
Searching online has been more confusing than helpful. John Bowles and Mary Redford may have had a son also named John - he would be of the likely age to be the father of Nancy if indeed there is a tradition her father's name was John. However, databases do not agree on what became of the younger John. The younger John Bowles, usually shown as born from about 1769 to 1775 in Hanover Co VA is sometimes suggested to have been married to Frances "Fanny" Bolling - a marriage which took place 27 Apr 1795 in Henry Co VA. Research would need to be done to determine exactly how the family of John Bowles came to be in Henry Co. as I've not been able to determine where John Bowles & Mary Redford later lived, nor when and where they died. Then there is the larger problem of exactly who were the children of young John and Fanny. I have seen two widely divergent theories.
One story is that John M. Bowles who married Frances Bolling 27 Apr 1795 in Henry Co, VA, apparently moved to Tennessee where some of their younger children were born. At least Tennessee is the state where the Williams family lived. Children are suggested as William [not in all databases], Nancy b. ca 1795 who married John Jefferson Williams; John, born 1802 in Hanover Co VA, who moved to Mississippi, married Millie Caroline Pate and died in Uvalde Co, Texas 1859, scalped by Indians; Sarah, born ca 1800, who married William Howard; Lucinda, born ca 1810 in DeKalb Co TN, married Isaac Adcock and died in DeKalb Co about 1870; Mary, born 1815, DeKalb Co, married John B. Walker and lived to appear in the 1900 census still in DeKalb Co; Frances, born 1819 in DeKalb Co, married Thomas Adcock, 5 May 1838 in DeKalb Co, died between 1906-1910. Frances had a Confederate Widow's Pension. The parents, John & Frances Bowles are said to be buried in the Walter Cemetery, Keltonburg, DeKalb Co, TN.
DeKalb Co was formed 1837-1838 out of Cannon, Jackson, Warren & White Counties. Warren had been formed out White in 1807 and might be the location of some of the records of the above family. That is where Nancy Bowles & John Jefferson Williams are said to have married ca 1813. This is definitely the most likely place for Nancy but the connection to her parents is still questionable at this point.
The second version of the story is interesting in that the same couple - John Bowles and Frances Bolling had a different set of children. John, in this database, was a Baptist Minister and died about 1814 in the Battle of New Orleans. No mention of a residence in Tennessee. This couple is said to have had William, born 1801; John, born 1802 in Hanover, married Millie Caroline as above, and died 1859, Uvalde Co TX [same story as the previous John - scalped by Indians]; Joseph born 1803; Edmond b. 1809, married Catherine Stockstill, died 1897 in Dade Co MO, buried Antioch Cemetery; and Thomas Phillip Bowles, b. 1811 in Hanover Co VA, married Huldah Stocktstill in Missouri. Except for John who was scalped, born 1802, these children, and others, also appear as children of a completely different John Bowles, born ca 1774, who married Elizabeth Longdon. This John, said to be the son of a Phillip Bowles, grandson of Thomas Phillip Bowles, b. 1745 - Thomas Phillip Bowles being a possible brother to the John Bowles who married Mary Redford in Hanover/Goochland, VA.
Obviously we are dealing with at least two different families of two different men named John Bowles and no proof that any one of them is the son of John Bowles & Mary Redford. Without supporting evidence and additional research, I have no clues as to which is correct. The second database also suggests that the older John Bowles who married Mary Redford in 1768, died in the Revolutionary War. If so perhaps paper work exists to confirm that and so far I've found none. Other than young John they are seen with children Martha, born 19 Dec 1773 in Goochland - she's in The Douglas Register and is there only child to appear there. Also said to have had a son Thomas who marred Lucy England, daughters Nancy [no doubt encouraged the casual researcher to leap to the conclusion she was the Nancy who married John Jefferson Williams] and Adeline [who may have married a Cocke], and a son William Joseph Bowles who married Nancy Rolf Bolling.
Now if there were two Bowles brothers who married Bolling girls, that would certainly help place the John who married Frances Bolling as belonging in that place. It is true that the family of John Bowles who married Mary Redford lived near Bolling families in Virginia. The family of the John who lived in DeKalb Co, Tennessee would certainly seem to be the most likely the family of this Nancy Bowles who married John Jefferson Williams. Adequate proof is lacking.
1820 Census shows a John "Boles", Jackson Co TN [Able & Rolin Boles also listed - likely not the father of Nancy.
1830 Census; Warren Co TN
John M. Bowles. 1m age 15-20; 1m age 60-70. 2f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 50-60
1840 Census; DeKalb Co TN
Frances Bowls: 1f 50-60. Living next door to Thomas Adcock, most likely a son-in-law of the John Bowles who married Frances Bolling....
1850 Census: DeKalb Co TN
Frances Bouls age 70, b. VA was living with Thomas & Frances Adcock, and a 50-year-old Sarah Howard. Nancy & Sarah both possible daughters. The information concerning the John M. Bowles who married Frances Bolling does suggest their daughter Frances married Thomas Adcock and they did have a daughter Sarah who married William Howard.
Hh 1178: Thomas Adcock, age 33; Frances, age 31
Marshall E. age 10, Mary D. R. age 8, Calvin R., age 2 - all born Tennessee
Frances Bowls, age 70 and Sarah Howard age 50, born Virginia.
In 1860, Thomas, age 43, and Frances, age 41, were still in DeKalb Co.
Marshall E., age 20, Rufus C., age 11, Naomi C. age 9, Anthony E. age 8, Samantha E. age 5, and Stokely A. age 4.
In 1860, Frances Bowls, age 83 was living with another daughter:
Hh 605: John B. Walker, age 42. Mary, age 42. Both born TN.
Francis, 12 [female] and James age 8 - both born TN.
and Frances Bowls, age 83, b. Virginia
If I can ever prove the relationship of Nancy Bowles Williams back to Mary Redford, I can prove another "cousin" relationship between my husband and I. Mary Redford who married John Bowles, was a granddaughter of John Redford and Martha Milner who were my ancestors.
John Jefferson Williams is believed to have been the son of Robert Williams and Charlotte Scott. I found John on, see later. In 1806, Robert Williams's family moved from North Carolina to South Carolina, then on to Tennessee. His wife Charlotte died in Shelby Co TN, near Memphis, on 14 Nov 1828. He then moved on to Missouri in 1838 and lived with various children. He died on his 76th birthday.
1830 Census, St. Francois Co MO. John J. Williams, 3 m children under 5 [Thomas, John & Elias], 1 m age 30-40 [John J.]; 1f -5 [Mary], 2f 5-10 [Charlotta & Frances], 1f 10-15 [Louisa], 1f 30-40 [Nancy]
Just a few households away was Ambrose Williams, also age 30-40 with a spouse of the same age. 1m -5, 1f -5, 1f 5-10. [Probably John J.'s brother]
1840 Census, St. Francois Co MO. Liberty Township.
John J. Williams. 1m 5-10 [Ambrose], 1m 10-15 [Elias], 2m 15-10 [John & Thomas], 1m 20-30 [??], 1m 40-50 [John J.] 2f -5 [Nancy & ??], 2f 5-10 [Lucinda & Sarah], 1f 10-15 [Mary], 1f 15-20 [Charlotta], 1f 40-50 [Nancy]
Louisa & Frances had both married.
1850 Census, District 80, St. Francois Co MO. E. C. Sebastian, enumerator. Household 107.
John J. Williams, age 56, b. SC. Nancy same age, b. VA. Elias age 22, b. TN. Ambrose age 18, b. MO as were all the rest of the children: Sarah & Lucinda 15, Nancy 11, Mary 21.
1860 Census, Liberty Twp, St. Francois Co MO, p.23, Household 155.
John J. Williams, age 67, b. SC, Nancy age 63, b. VA.
I have not been able to find John J. & Nancy in 1870. Were they perhaps living with a married daughter?
John J. and Nancy are buried Libertyville Christian Cemetery, Libertyville, St. Francois Co, MO.
Only John is listed on FindAGrave. Born 10 Nov 1792, North Carolina. Died 17 Nov 1874, Knob Lick, St. Francois Co, Missouri. Note says he was married to Nancy M. Bowles in 1813. There is no picture and I wonder if this grave was marked at some later date. There were only 22 graves listed. However, FindAGrave also has Libertyville Christian Church Cemetery with 89 listings . This would seem to be two names for the same Cemetery.
Nancy M. Bowles, b. Nov 1796, SC. d. 28 Mar 1876, Knob Lick, St. Francois Co, MO. Married to John J. Williams in 1813. [submitted by the same person who had sent John J.'s entry]
Nancy M. Bowles Williams who is said to share a double tombstone with her husband, but no dates. These two entries submitted by two different people.
One database, apparently from a book on the Williams Family by Cora Louesa Williams, p. 7 states that Nancy M. Bowles was Cherokee. I very much doubt this - there were way too many Bowles families in colonial Virginia and in 1850 and 1860, and she gave her place of birth as Virginia.
I doubt very much that Nancy has been correctly placed in the Bowles family - she is most often seen as a daughter of John Bowles and Mary Redford/Radford. But I believe she might be of the next generation instead - she was born some 28 years after their marriage.
Marriages of Goochland County Virginia 1733-1815, Compiled and Published by Kathleen Booth Williams, p 13
27 November 1768. John BOWLES and Mary Redford, dau. of William Redford, deceased. Sur. John Cannon. Elizabeth Bowles makes affadavit that John, 21 years old last May, is son of Benjamin Bowles, deceased.
The Douglas Register gives the marriage as 9 November 1768, and says "in Hanover".
Searching online has been more confusing than helpful. John Bowles and Mary Redford may have had a son also named John - he would be of the likely age to be the father of Nancy if indeed there is a tradition her father's name was John. However, databases do not agree on what became of the younger John. The younger John Bowles, usually shown as born from about 1769 to 1775 in Hanover Co VA is sometimes suggested to have been married to Frances "Fanny" Bolling - a marriage which took place 27 Apr 1795 in Henry Co VA. Research would need to be done to determine exactly how the family of John Bowles came to be in Henry Co. as I've not been able to determine where John Bowles & Mary Redford later lived, nor when and where they died. Then there is the larger problem of exactly who were the children of young John and Fanny. I have seen two widely divergent theories.
One story is that John M. Bowles who married Frances Bolling 27 Apr 1795 in Henry Co, VA, apparently moved to Tennessee where some of their younger children were born. At least Tennessee is the state where the Williams family lived. Children are suggested as William [not in all databases], Nancy b. ca 1795 who married John Jefferson Williams; John, born 1802 in Hanover Co VA, who moved to Mississippi, married Millie Caroline Pate and died in Uvalde Co, Texas 1859, scalped by Indians; Sarah, born ca 1800, who married William Howard; Lucinda, born ca 1810 in DeKalb Co TN, married Isaac Adcock and died in DeKalb Co about 1870; Mary, born 1815, DeKalb Co, married John B. Walker and lived to appear in the 1900 census still in DeKalb Co; Frances, born 1819 in DeKalb Co, married Thomas Adcock, 5 May 1838 in DeKalb Co, died between 1906-1910. Frances had a Confederate Widow's Pension. The parents, John & Frances Bowles are said to be buried in the Walter Cemetery, Keltonburg, DeKalb Co, TN.
DeKalb Co was formed 1837-1838 out of Cannon, Jackson, Warren & White Counties. Warren had been formed out White in 1807 and might be the location of some of the records of the above family. That is where Nancy Bowles & John Jefferson Williams are said to have married ca 1813. This is definitely the most likely place for Nancy but the connection to her parents is still questionable at this point.
The second version of the story is interesting in that the same couple - John Bowles and Frances Bolling had a different set of children. John, in this database, was a Baptist Minister and died about 1814 in the Battle of New Orleans. No mention of a residence in Tennessee. This couple is said to have had William, born 1801; John, born 1802 in Hanover, married Millie Caroline as above, and died 1859, Uvalde Co TX [same story as the previous John - scalped by Indians]; Joseph born 1803; Edmond b. 1809, married Catherine Stockstill, died 1897 in Dade Co MO, buried Antioch Cemetery; and Thomas Phillip Bowles, b. 1811 in Hanover Co VA, married Huldah Stocktstill in Missouri. Except for John who was scalped, born 1802, these children, and others, also appear as children of a completely different John Bowles, born ca 1774, who married Elizabeth Longdon. This John, said to be the son of a Phillip Bowles, grandson of Thomas Phillip Bowles, b. 1745 - Thomas Phillip Bowles being a possible brother to the John Bowles who married Mary Redford in Hanover/Goochland, VA.
Obviously we are dealing with at least two different families of two different men named John Bowles and no proof that any one of them is the son of John Bowles & Mary Redford. Without supporting evidence and additional research, I have no clues as to which is correct. The second database also suggests that the older John Bowles who married Mary Redford in 1768, died in the Revolutionary War. If so perhaps paper work exists to confirm that and so far I've found none. Other than young John they are seen with children Martha, born 19 Dec 1773 in Goochland - she's in The Douglas Register and is there only child to appear there. Also said to have had a son Thomas who marred Lucy England, daughters Nancy [no doubt encouraged the casual researcher to leap to the conclusion she was the Nancy who married John Jefferson Williams] and Adeline [who may have married a Cocke], and a son William Joseph Bowles who married Nancy Rolf Bolling.
Now if there were two Bowles brothers who married Bolling girls, that would certainly help place the John who married Frances Bolling as belonging in that place. It is true that the family of John Bowles who married Mary Redford lived near Bolling families in Virginia. The family of the John who lived in DeKalb Co, Tennessee would certainly seem to be the most likely the family of this Nancy Bowles who married John Jefferson Williams. Adequate proof is lacking.
1820 Census shows a John "Boles", Jackson Co TN [Able & Rolin Boles also listed - likely not the father of Nancy.
1830 Census; Warren Co TN
John M. Bowles. 1m age 15-20; 1m age 60-70. 2f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 50-60
1840 Census; DeKalb Co TN
Frances Bowls: 1f 50-60. Living next door to Thomas Adcock, most likely a son-in-law of the John Bowles who married Frances Bolling....
1850 Census: DeKalb Co TN
Frances Bouls age 70, b. VA was living with Thomas & Frances Adcock, and a 50-year-old Sarah Howard. Nancy & Sarah both possible daughters. The information concerning the John M. Bowles who married Frances Bolling does suggest their daughter Frances married Thomas Adcock and they did have a daughter Sarah who married William Howard.
Hh 1178: Thomas Adcock, age 33; Frances, age 31
Marshall E. age 10, Mary D. R. age 8, Calvin R., age 2 - all born Tennessee
Frances Bowls, age 70 and Sarah Howard age 50, born Virginia.
In 1860, Thomas, age 43, and Frances, age 41, were still in DeKalb Co.
Marshall E., age 20, Rufus C., age 11, Naomi C. age 9, Anthony E. age 8, Samantha E. age 5, and Stokely A. age 4.
In 1860, Frances Bowls, age 83 was living with another daughter:
Hh 605: John B. Walker, age 42. Mary, age 42. Both born TN.
Francis, 12 [female] and James age 8 - both born TN.
and Frances Bowls, age 83, b. Virginia
If I can ever prove the relationship of Nancy Bowles Williams back to Mary Redford, I can prove another "cousin" relationship between my husband and I. Mary Redford who married John Bowles, was a granddaughter of John Redford and Martha Milner who were my ancestors.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Peter B. Allen in the War of 1812
The tradition in the family was that Peter Buell Allen was a high ranking officer in the War of 1812 and was taken prisoner. Here are the records I've found concerning his service. When I was new to genealogy research, I was told by a person with much experience that it was extremely difficult to find information about Officers from the War of 1812. I will readily admit that I did not find these records overnight but persistence uncovered quite a lot of data about my ancestor and his experience.
Found in History of the Pioneer Settlement: Phelps and Gorham's Purchase and Morris' Reserve - written by a nephew, Orsamus Turner, 1851 - which is likely the source of the family tradition. Peter Allen was a Brigadier General in War of 1812; in command of a regiment at the battle of Queenstown, in which he was taken prisoner. Except for his rank, this proved to be true.
From the Abstracts of Payrolls for the NY State Militia for the War of 1812 [copies from the New York State Archives]
Peter Allen, Lt. Col. in the 20th Regt was paid from June 28 to Sep 28, 1812 $202; and from Sept 29 to Oct 28, 1812 $98.70. In service at Lewiston, NY
Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Paid from Aug 28 to Sep 20, 1814 $46.45 Discharged Sept 20, 1814, by consolidation.
From an online History of the War of 1812:
13 Oct 1812: Gen. Stephen Van Rennsselaer was defeated in the battle of Queenstown Heights, Canada, on the the Niagara frontier by the British and Indians. About 1000 U. S. troops were killed or wounded. [This is an exaggeration - the number is closer to perhaps 500, although no correct count can be obtained. There were close to 1000 captured.
Peter Allen's Service Record obtained from the National Archives, Washington, DC;
Field and Staff Muster Roll
Peter Allen, Lt. Col.; 20 Reg't Detached Milita, State of New York
War of 1812
Appears on roll for Jun 28 to Sep 28, 1812
Commentent of this service or of this settlement: June 28, 1812
Expiration of this settlement: Sep 28, 1812
Present or absent: Present
Field and Staff Pay Roll
[same as above]
Term of service charged: 3 months
Pay per month 60 dollars
Forage per month 11 dollars
Amount of pay, 180 dollars
Amount of forage, 22 dollars
Total, 202 dollars
Remarks: One months forage drawn in kind.
Subsistence Account of Lieut. Col. Peter Allen from the 28th day of June 1812 to 26th day of Septermber 1812.
92 days; 5 rations per day; Total rations: 460
Post or Place where due: Lewiston New York
Price of Rations 20 cents
Amount $92
Requistion is signed by Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd.
Receipt: Received of Nathaniel Allen, District Paymaster [name printed on printed form - this is his brother], this 28th day of September the sum of $92 in full of payment for my subsistence from the 28th day of June 1812 to the 28th day of September 1812.
Signed: Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd.
Subsistence Account of Lieut. Col. Peter Allen from 29th Sep 1812 to 28th Octo. 1812, inclusive.
30 days rations, 5 per day, total 150 rations at Lewiston.
20 cents per ration, Total $30
Receipt same as above - received $30 on 25th December
Subsistence Account
To Lieut. Col. Peter Allen for his pay from the 29th day of September to the 28th day of October 1812, thirty days at sixty dollars per month - $58.06.
For his forage as Lieut. Col. from the 29th Sept to the 28th day of Octr. 1812, thirty days at eleven dollars per month - $10.64
For his subsistence as per account herewith - $30.00
Total: $98.70
Certified by Peter Allen Lieut. Col. Comd.
Received of Nathanial Allen, Esquire, district-paymaster, the sum of $98.70.
Signed Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd. [No date on receipt]
[This payment appears to overlap the rations as listed above, but perhaps the previous account was a regulation itemization of the rations received, as this form was slight different and included only totals.]
Handwritten Note
On back: Colo. Allens Order 2 Bushels of Oats, 14th July
Camp at 5 Mile Meadow [across the Niagara River from Queenstown]
14th July 1812
Quarter Master General
Deliver Alexander Case two bushel oats for Feeding his Horses while Halling boards for the building of Barracks.
Peter Allen, Lieut. Col. Comd.
[in separate handwriting] 5 1/3 Rat. Grain
Handwritten Note
[on back] Conl. Peter Allen order on Mr. Atwater in favour of Capt. Abraham Dox for 33 Muskets, 1 Box of Cartridges. Jul 1, 1812. 34 Muskets delivd. pr. Rect.
Moses Atwater, QM [I think - difficult to read]
Will deliver Thirty three stand of arms and one box ammunition for the men under the Command of Capt. A. Dox in my Regiment.
Peter Allen, Lieut. Col. Comd.
From the book, A Very Brilliant Affair, the Battle of Queenston Heights, 1812, by Robert Malcomson, Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2003.
Appendix D, p.247-251 10 Apr 1812 Congress passed an Act to authorize a detachment from the Militia and gave permission for the president to mobilize these troops. 28 May 1812, New York's quota was 13, 500 officer and men and was to consist of eight brigades formed into two divisions. Maj. Gen. Van Renssalaer was appointed to command the First Division, consisting of Brigades Four through Eight, within which new regiments were to be formed. Lt. Col. Peter Allen was appointed to command the 20th Regt of Detached Militia drawn upon the various companies in Ontario Co rather than just his own 22nd Regt of Infantry. The 18th, 19th & 20th Regt formed the 7th Brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. William Wadsworth. Mustered on the Niagara River about the time of the attack on Queenston were the 16th & 17th Regt of the Sixth Brigade and the three units of the Seventh Brigade.
Taken prisoner were Brig. Gen. Wadsworth and his aide-de-camp Maj. William H. Spencer. From the 20th Regt: Lt. Col. Peter Allen, his Pay Master Joshia Robinson, Captains John Brown, Elijah Clarke, and Salma Stanley, Lieutenant Joshua Phillips, and Ensign Jacob Cast. [Enlisted men taken prisoner were not listed. Counts from muster rolls indicated a total of 443 men in the 20th Regt.]
p.59-60 The militia mobilized the week that spanned June and July, 1812. With Gen. Wadsworth leading, about 900 men had advanced to Batavia by 1 July including 300 men from Lt. Col. Peter Allen's 20th. They reached Buffalo on Wednesday, 3 July, and advanced to camps in and around Fort Niagara [Allen was encamped at Five Mile Meadow.] About a week behind the main column, four more companies from Allen's 20th arrived, about 185 additional men.
p.81 In early August, Van Renssalaer concentrated most of the militia units just south of Lewiston; he called in Lt. Col. Peter Allen's 20th Detached from their camps at Ft. Schlosser and Five Mile Meadow, leaving small detachments as guards at those places.
p.164-166 The Battle took place on Tuesday, 13 Oct 1812. The first wave of boats across the Niagara River was intended to include militia from the 18th and 20th Regt but they were pushed aside by Lt. Col. Chrystie's regulars. [There had been great confusion from the organization of the Detached Militia about whether or not they had authority to cross into Canada as they were organized as defense and, indeed, many of the militia did refuse to cross the River.] More than 700 of the militia were eventually able to cross the River - they were the rifle companies and some members of all five of the regiments mustered at the site. Lt. Col. Hugh Dobbin of the 18th was away on leave, but the four Lt. Col.'s of the other regiments helped lead the advance on Queenston and all were captured that day.
p. 191 By about 4 PM on the day of the Battle, William Wadsworth surrendured and presented his sword to British Gen. Roger Sheaffe.
p. 194 The British count of Americans captured was 436 regulars and 489 militia. "They sent the walking wounded back across the river the day after the battle, soon followed by all the militia. Officially, they were on parole and were honour-bound not to take up arms until formally exchanged for British prisoners. Brigadier General William Wadsworth was allso allowed to return because Major General Sheaffe hoped that 'his going with the Militia will ....only tend to ensure a strict execution of the agreement.'"
In History of Onatrio Co., New York With Illustrations; 1788-1876 , by Everts, Ensign & Everts, Ovid, New York: W. E. Morrison & Co, 1876, p.230, are considerably more details about the regiment, mostly from Pittstown [name later changed to Richmond], that served in the War of 1812. The book states the information had come from old soldiers. The regiment of Ontario County was about six hundred strong - four companies had gone from near Geneva. They served from June 1812 to October and were in Buffalo and the frontier. Peter Allen was colonel, Nathaniel Allen, paymaster. There is a partial list of those who served, those taken prisoner, etc. "The regiment lost heavily in killed, wounded, and prisoners at the action in September, 1812, at Queenstown."
Found in History of the Pioneer Settlement: Phelps and Gorham's Purchase and Morris' Reserve - written by a nephew, Orsamus Turner, 1851 - which is likely the source of the family tradition. Peter Allen was a Brigadier General in War of 1812; in command of a regiment at the battle of Queenstown, in which he was taken prisoner. Except for his rank, this proved to be true.
From the Abstracts of Payrolls for the NY State Militia for the War of 1812 [copies from the New York State Archives]
Peter Allen, Lt. Col. in the 20th Regt was paid from June 28 to Sep 28, 1812 $202; and from Sept 29 to Oct 28, 1812 $98.70. In service at Lewiston, NY
Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Paid from Aug 28 to Sep 20, 1814 $46.45 Discharged Sept 20, 1814, by consolidation.
From an online History of the War of 1812:
13 Oct 1812: Gen. Stephen Van Rennsselaer was defeated in the battle of Queenstown Heights, Canada, on the the Niagara frontier by the British and Indians. About 1000 U. S. troops were killed or wounded. [This is an exaggeration - the number is closer to perhaps 500, although no correct count can be obtained. There were close to 1000 captured.
Peter Allen's Service Record obtained from the National Archives, Washington, DC;
Field and Staff Muster Roll
Peter Allen, Lt. Col.; 20 Reg't Detached Milita, State of New York
War of 1812
Appears on roll for Jun 28 to Sep 28, 1812
Commentent of this service or of this settlement: June 28, 1812
Expiration of this settlement: Sep 28, 1812
Present or absent: Present
Field and Staff Pay Roll
[same as above]
Term of service charged: 3 months
Pay per month 60 dollars
Forage per month 11 dollars
Amount of pay, 180 dollars
Amount of forage, 22 dollars
Total, 202 dollars
Remarks: One months forage drawn in kind.
Subsistence Account of Lieut. Col. Peter Allen from the 28th day of June 1812 to 26th day of Septermber 1812.
92 days; 5 rations per day; Total rations: 460
Post or Place where due: Lewiston New York
Price of Rations 20 cents
Amount $92
Requistion is signed by Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd.
Receipt: Received of Nathaniel Allen, District Paymaster [name printed on printed form - this is his brother], this 28th day of September the sum of $92 in full of payment for my subsistence from the 28th day of June 1812 to the 28th day of September 1812.
Signed: Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd.
Subsistence Account of Lieut. Col. Peter Allen from 29th Sep 1812 to 28th Octo. 1812, inclusive.
30 days rations, 5 per day, total 150 rations at Lewiston.
20 cents per ration, Total $30
Receipt same as above - received $30 on 25th December
Subsistence Account
To Lieut. Col. Peter Allen for his pay from the 29th day of September to the 28th day of October 1812, thirty days at sixty dollars per month - $58.06.
For his forage as Lieut. Col. from the 29th Sept to the 28th day of Octr. 1812, thirty days at eleven dollars per month - $10.64
For his subsistence as per account herewith - $30.00
Total: $98.70
Certified by Peter Allen Lieut. Col. Comd.
Received of Nathanial Allen, Esquire, district-paymaster, the sum of $98.70.
Signed Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd. [No date on receipt]
[This payment appears to overlap the rations as listed above, but perhaps the previous account was a regulation itemization of the rations received, as this form was slight different and included only totals.]
Handwritten Note
On back: Colo. Allens Order 2 Bushels of Oats, 14th July
Camp at 5 Mile Meadow [across the Niagara River from Queenstown]
14th July 1812
Quarter Master General
Deliver Alexander Case two bushel oats for Feeding his Horses while Halling boards for the building of Barracks.
Peter Allen, Lieut. Col. Comd.
[in separate handwriting] 5 1/3 Rat. Grain
Handwritten Note
[on back] Conl. Peter Allen order on Mr. Atwater in favour of Capt. Abraham Dox for 33 Muskets, 1 Box of Cartridges. Jul 1, 1812. 34 Muskets delivd. pr. Rect.
Moses Atwater, QM [I think - difficult to read]
Will deliver Thirty three stand of arms and one box ammunition for the men under the Command of Capt. A. Dox in my Regiment.
Peter Allen, Lieut. Col. Comd.
From the book, A Very Brilliant Affair, the Battle of Queenston Heights, 1812, by Robert Malcomson, Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2003.
Appendix D, p.247-251 10 Apr 1812 Congress passed an Act to authorize a detachment from the Militia and gave permission for the president to mobilize these troops. 28 May 1812, New York's quota was 13, 500 officer and men and was to consist of eight brigades formed into two divisions. Maj. Gen. Van Renssalaer was appointed to command the First Division, consisting of Brigades Four through Eight, within which new regiments were to be formed. Lt. Col. Peter Allen was appointed to command the 20th Regt of Detached Militia drawn upon the various companies in Ontario Co rather than just his own 22nd Regt of Infantry. The 18th, 19th & 20th Regt formed the 7th Brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. William Wadsworth. Mustered on the Niagara River about the time of the attack on Queenston were the 16th & 17th Regt of the Sixth Brigade and the three units of the Seventh Brigade.
Taken prisoner were Brig. Gen. Wadsworth and his aide-de-camp Maj. William H. Spencer. From the 20th Regt: Lt. Col. Peter Allen, his Pay Master Joshia Robinson, Captains John Brown, Elijah Clarke, and Salma Stanley, Lieutenant Joshua Phillips, and Ensign Jacob Cast. [Enlisted men taken prisoner were not listed. Counts from muster rolls indicated a total of 443 men in the 20th Regt.]
p.59-60 The militia mobilized the week that spanned June and July, 1812. With Gen. Wadsworth leading, about 900 men had advanced to Batavia by 1 July including 300 men from Lt. Col. Peter Allen's 20th. They reached Buffalo on Wednesday, 3 July, and advanced to camps in and around Fort Niagara [Allen was encamped at Five Mile Meadow.] About a week behind the main column, four more companies from Allen's 20th arrived, about 185 additional men.
p.81 In early August, Van Renssalaer concentrated most of the militia units just south of Lewiston; he called in Lt. Col. Peter Allen's 20th Detached from their camps at Ft. Schlosser and Five Mile Meadow, leaving small detachments as guards at those places.
p.164-166 The Battle took place on Tuesday, 13 Oct 1812. The first wave of boats across the Niagara River was intended to include militia from the 18th and 20th Regt but they were pushed aside by Lt. Col. Chrystie's regulars. [There had been great confusion from the organization of the Detached Militia about whether or not they had authority to cross into Canada as they were organized as defense and, indeed, many of the militia did refuse to cross the River.] More than 700 of the militia were eventually able to cross the River - they were the rifle companies and some members of all five of the regiments mustered at the site. Lt. Col. Hugh Dobbin of the 18th was away on leave, but the four Lt. Col.'s of the other regiments helped lead the advance on Queenston and all were captured that day.
p. 191 By about 4 PM on the day of the Battle, William Wadsworth surrendured and presented his sword to British Gen. Roger Sheaffe.
p. 194 The British count of Americans captured was 436 regulars and 489 militia. "They sent the walking wounded back across the river the day after the battle, soon followed by all the militia. Officially, they were on parole and were honour-bound not to take up arms until formally exchanged for British prisoners. Brigadier General William Wadsworth was allso allowed to return because Major General Sheaffe hoped that 'his going with the Militia will ....only tend to ensure a strict execution of the agreement.'"
In History of Onatrio Co., New York With Illustrations; 1788-1876 , by Everts, Ensign & Everts, Ovid, New York: W. E. Morrison & Co, 1876, p.230, are considerably more details about the regiment, mostly from Pittstown [name later changed to Richmond], that served in the War of 1812. The book states the information had come from old soldiers. The regiment of Ontario County was about six hundred strong - four companies had gone from near Geneva. They served from June 1812 to October and were in Buffalo and the frontier. Peter Allen was colonel, Nathaniel Allen, paymaster. There is a partial list of those who served, those taken prisoner, etc. "The regiment lost heavily in killed, wounded, and prisoners at the action in September, 1812, at Queenstown."
Friday, July 3, 2009
Not descended from Ethan Allen!
Here is a copy of my article from the "Polk County Poineers", Vol XV, Numbers 3-4 Sep & Dec 2000, published by the Polk County (Ark) Genealogical Society. After correspondence with the Society, I discovered that they were sending out information to inquiries about the Allen family which included copies of the two newspaper articles stating our "kinship" to Ethan Allen. This of course, served to further a misconception that is simply not true. I decided the least I could do was furnish the Society with further proof of our ancestry so that they could at least furnish folks with both sides of the story!
FACT or FICTION - Ethan Allen, Our Ancestor?
By Kay M. Haden, great great granddaughter of Polk County AR pioneer, Peter B. Allen.
As in all families, we have our traditions. My great aunt, Grace Graham Hays, although not an Allen descendant herself, spent years trying to prove an Allen relationship to Ethan Allen of Revolutionary War fame. She hoped her daughter and granddaughter would be eligible for DAR membership. None of the rest of the family took much notice of her efforts although the premise seemed to be a very nice connection to an historic figure.
Eventually, Aunt Grace sent us all copies of a DAR application for a descendant of one MOSES ALLEN - who on earth was he? The papers revealed that Moses Allen had served in the Revolutionary War as a private in the militia from Dutchess County, New York, and was listed as a bounty land recipient.[1]
Moses Allen was married to Chloe Ward and had several children including a son Peter Buell Allen.[2] The family had removed to Ontario County, New York, by 1795 or 1796. This Peter Buell Allen served in the War of 1812; said by his nephew, Orsamas Turner, to be a Brigadier General,[2] though I have not yet found the actual record [See follow up Note below]. Peter left Ontario County for Indiana probably in 1818. At the time of the writing of his book in 1851, O. Turner stated that many of his descendants were living in Terre Haute.[2] The Vigo County, Indiana, US Census of 1850 does indeed confirm this statement.[3]
The history books of Vigo County, Indiana include some delightful stories about Peter B. Allen from New York. One of these describes how he brought his family by packhorse, canal, and flatboat.[4] His wife was Mary, believed to be Mary Peterson from DAR applications.[5] His children were listed in the above history book and included another Peter B. Allen.[4]
The younger Peter B. Allen married Mary Rowena Hoskins on 28 Dec 1836 in Vigo County.[6] He was found as signing documents for the County Clerk of Vigo County a few years earlier.[7]In 1840, Peter Allen appears in the Territorial Census of Sevier County, Arkansas and by 1850 he was the enumerator for White Township in Polk County.[8] These facts, and others, are confirmed by the Obituary of Peter B. Allen, which appeared in The Mena Star on October 10, 1901, written by his son C. E. F. Allen and leaving no doubt that this is indeed the same gentleman.[9]
The nine children of Peter B. Allen and Mary Rowena Hoskins, born in Polk County, are as follows: Augustus A., Henry Clay, Nathaniel Orrin "Nat", Peter B. T./ F. "Porter", Mary Adeline "Addie", Charles Edward Francis, Martha Elizabeth, Dewitt Clinton, and Philena Josephine "Josie". Josie was my great grandmother. These children are confirmed both by the Obituary of Peter B. Allen[9] and his Will dated 9 April 1901 and filed for probate 14 Oct 1901.[10]
So why did Aunt Grace ever hunt for a relationship to Ethan Allen? Two articles appeared in The Mena Star about Nathaniel O. "Nat" Allen. The first of these was on Thursday, February 7, 1922, and appeared to be written by (or at least dictated by) Nat himself. He stated "Grandfather Allen (meaning the Peter B. Allen of Indiana and New York) was a grandson of Ethan Allen." On March 30, 1930, another article was printed in The Mena Star about "Uncle Nat Allen" and describes how Ethan Allen was "the great great grandfather of our fellow citizen of Cove, Uncle Nat Allen".[11] No wonder Aunt Grace thought the ancestor hunt would lead to Ethan Allen! Seemed so obvious.
Closer examination of Ethan Allen reveals that he was born 10 Jan 1738 in Litchfield, CT, the son of Joseph Allen and Mary Baker[12] and would have been a contemporary of Moses Allen and could not possibly have been his father. His children did not include anyone named Moses or Peter. Ethan was the oldest child in his own family and had younger brothers named Heman, Heber, Levi, Zimri, and Ira.[12] There appear to be no possible cousins or other relations in this family that could connect to Moses Allen of Dutchess County, New York, in any way.
The only possible explanation I have for the confusion of these families is the following. Nat Allen was 78 years old when the first article appeared in the Star. I suspect he did not write the article himself but rather told his stories to a reporter. Perhaps he knew he had a Revolutionary ancestor but had forgotten the name. Certainly Nat was confused as any great, great grandfather of his would have been very old to have served - Moses was his great grandfather and wasn't a young man in 1776 (he was baptized 1 Jul 1739 in Sturbridge, MA).[13] Since Ethan ALLEN was a familiar name, is it possible that a reporter suggested this name to Nat? And then of course when the second article appeared, it was further embellished.
So, yes, we have our traditions. There really WAS a Revolutionary Ancestor. Just not the expected ancestor. And, once again, don't believe everything you read!
[1] James A. Roberts, New York in the Revolution as Colony and State (Press of Brandow Printing Company, Albany NY, 1898), 241.
[2] O. Turner, History of the Pioneer Settlement: Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, and Morris' Reserve (William Alling, Rochester, 1851) 202, 204.
[3] 1850 US Census Indiana. Digital images online by subscription at GenealogyLibrary Online
[4] H. C. Bradsby History of Vigo County Indiana with Biographical Selections, (S. B. Nelson & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 1891) 261.
[5] DAR applications. Chloe Esther Lee Little Daly #315374; Marie Little Pinkerton #314375 - gg granddaughters of Moses Allen
[6] Vigo County Marriage Record from Marriage Book Dated 1818-June 1853.
[7] Vigo County Probate Order Book Vol. 1; 19 Oct 1818 - 22 Nov 1832: Complete Probate Order Book Vol 1; Sept 1829 - Nov 1836. Microfilmed by LDS, #1392535.
[8] U.S. Population Census 1850. Polk County, Arkansas. NARA 432, Roll 29.
[9] "An Old Citizen Passes Away" The Mena Star, Mena, Arkansas, 10 October 1901, page 8, column 3.
[10] Peter B. Allen Will, County Clerk's Office, Polk County, Arkansas.
[11] At least one if not both of these articles from The Mena Star, Mena, Arkansas, have been reprinted in issues of the Society's Newsletter.
[12] John Spargo, Notes on the Ancestors and Immediate Descendants of Ethan and Ira Allen, (Bennington, Vermont, 1948) 8-10.
[13] Frank J. Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, Vol II Abbott to Burch, (Pleasant Valley, NY 1993) 154-158.
Follow Up Note: Peter B. Allen certainly did serve in the War of 1812. He was a Lt. Col. rather than a Brig. Gen. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Queestown Heights. I'll save his story for another time.
FACT or FICTION - Ethan Allen, Our Ancestor?
By Kay M. Haden, great great granddaughter of Polk County AR pioneer, Peter B. Allen.
As in all families, we have our traditions. My great aunt, Grace Graham Hays, although not an Allen descendant herself, spent years trying to prove an Allen relationship to Ethan Allen of Revolutionary War fame. She hoped her daughter and granddaughter would be eligible for DAR membership. None of the rest of the family took much notice of her efforts although the premise seemed to be a very nice connection to an historic figure.
Eventually, Aunt Grace sent us all copies of a DAR application for a descendant of one MOSES ALLEN - who on earth was he? The papers revealed that Moses Allen had served in the Revolutionary War as a private in the militia from Dutchess County, New York, and was listed as a bounty land recipient.[1]
Moses Allen was married to Chloe Ward and had several children including a son Peter Buell Allen.[2] The family had removed to Ontario County, New York, by 1795 or 1796. This Peter Buell Allen served in the War of 1812; said by his nephew, Orsamas Turner, to be a Brigadier General,[2] though I have not yet found the actual record [See follow up Note below]. Peter left Ontario County for Indiana probably in 1818. At the time of the writing of his book in 1851, O. Turner stated that many of his descendants were living in Terre Haute.[2] The Vigo County, Indiana, US Census of 1850 does indeed confirm this statement.[3]
The history books of Vigo County, Indiana include some delightful stories about Peter B. Allen from New York. One of these describes how he brought his family by packhorse, canal, and flatboat.[4] His wife was Mary, believed to be Mary Peterson from DAR applications.[5] His children were listed in the above history book and included another Peter B. Allen.[4]
The younger Peter B. Allen married Mary Rowena Hoskins on 28 Dec 1836 in Vigo County.[6] He was found as signing documents for the County Clerk of Vigo County a few years earlier.[7]In 1840, Peter Allen appears in the Territorial Census of Sevier County, Arkansas and by 1850 he was the enumerator for White Township in Polk County.[8] These facts, and others, are confirmed by the Obituary of Peter B. Allen, which appeared in The Mena Star on October 10, 1901, written by his son C. E. F. Allen and leaving no doubt that this is indeed the same gentleman.[9]
The nine children of Peter B. Allen and Mary Rowena Hoskins, born in Polk County, are as follows: Augustus A., Henry Clay, Nathaniel Orrin "Nat", Peter B. T./ F. "Porter", Mary Adeline "Addie", Charles Edward Francis, Martha Elizabeth, Dewitt Clinton, and Philena Josephine "Josie". Josie was my great grandmother. These children are confirmed both by the Obituary of Peter B. Allen[9] and his Will dated 9 April 1901 and filed for probate 14 Oct 1901.[10]
So why did Aunt Grace ever hunt for a relationship to Ethan Allen? Two articles appeared in The Mena Star about Nathaniel O. "Nat" Allen. The first of these was on Thursday, February 7, 1922, and appeared to be written by (or at least dictated by) Nat himself. He stated "Grandfather Allen (meaning the Peter B. Allen of Indiana and New York) was a grandson of Ethan Allen." On March 30, 1930, another article was printed in The Mena Star about "Uncle Nat Allen" and describes how Ethan Allen was "the great great grandfather of our fellow citizen of Cove, Uncle Nat Allen".[11] No wonder Aunt Grace thought the ancestor hunt would lead to Ethan Allen! Seemed so obvious.
Closer examination of Ethan Allen reveals that he was born 10 Jan 1738 in Litchfield, CT, the son of Joseph Allen and Mary Baker[12] and would have been a contemporary of Moses Allen and could not possibly have been his father. His children did not include anyone named Moses or Peter. Ethan was the oldest child in his own family and had younger brothers named Heman, Heber, Levi, Zimri, and Ira.[12] There appear to be no possible cousins or other relations in this family that could connect to Moses Allen of Dutchess County, New York, in any way.
The only possible explanation I have for the confusion of these families is the following. Nat Allen was 78 years old when the first article appeared in the Star. I suspect he did not write the article himself but rather told his stories to a reporter. Perhaps he knew he had a Revolutionary ancestor but had forgotten the name. Certainly Nat was confused as any great, great grandfather of his would have been very old to have served - Moses was his great grandfather and wasn't a young man in 1776 (he was baptized 1 Jul 1739 in Sturbridge, MA).[13] Since Ethan ALLEN was a familiar name, is it possible that a reporter suggested this name to Nat? And then of course when the second article appeared, it was further embellished.
So, yes, we have our traditions. There really WAS a Revolutionary Ancestor. Just not the expected ancestor. And, once again, don't believe everything you read!
[1] James A. Roberts, New York in the Revolution as Colony and State (Press of Brandow Printing Company, Albany NY, 1898), 241.
[2] O. Turner, History of the Pioneer Settlement: Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, and Morris' Reserve (William Alling, Rochester, 1851) 202, 204.
[3] 1850 US Census Indiana. Digital images online by subscription at GenealogyLibrary Online
[4] H. C. Bradsby History of Vigo County Indiana with Biographical Selections, (S. B. Nelson & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 1891) 261.
[5] DAR applications. Chloe Esther Lee Little Daly #315374; Marie Little Pinkerton #314375 - gg granddaughters of Moses Allen
[6] Vigo County Marriage Record from Marriage Book Dated 1818-June 1853.
[7] Vigo County Probate Order Book Vol. 1; 19 Oct 1818 - 22 Nov 1832: Complete Probate Order Book Vol 1; Sept 1829 - Nov 1836. Microfilmed by LDS, #1392535.
[8] U.S. Population Census 1850. Polk County, Arkansas. NARA 432, Roll 29.
[9] "An Old Citizen Passes Away" The Mena Star, Mena, Arkansas, 10 October 1901, page 8, column 3.
[10] Peter B. Allen Will, County Clerk's Office, Polk County, Arkansas.
[11] At least one if not both of these articles from The Mena Star, Mena, Arkansas, have been reprinted in issues of the Society's Newsletter.
[12] John Spargo, Notes on the Ancestors and Immediate Descendants of Ethan and Ira Allen, (Bennington, Vermont, 1948) 8-10.
[13] Frank J. Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, Vol II Abbott to Burch, (Pleasant Valley, NY 1993) 154-158.
Follow Up Note: Peter B. Allen certainly did serve in the War of 1812. He was a Lt. Col. rather than a Brig. Gen. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Queestown Heights. I'll save his story for another time.
Why I started this Blog....
I have spent lots of time and money hunting my ancestors. In the process I've discovered many problems in print or in other's research that I'd like to share with others. I do have a webpage with much of my genealogy posted for anyone to see. It's called Leaves of the Tree and can be found here:
I have several papers about research errors or conflicts that I've worked on in the past that I will be adding to this page.
I have several papers about research errors or conflicts that I've worked on in the past that I will be adding to this page.
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