Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day 2014

My mother had four brothers - all served in World War II - three of them in the European theater  I remember the wonderful Christmas celebration when all had returned home safely and we could all be together again.  My grandparents hired a photographer to record that occasion.

The three brothers were all able to meet in Paris at the end of the War.  They had their picture made to send back home and bought my Mom, their only sister, a gold bracelet.

Seated in front on the right is the eldest, Graydon Earl Comstock, born 1908 in Uniontown, Crawford County, Arkansas, died 1983 in Siloam Springs, Benton County, Arkansas, age 74.  He was an infantryman, a Technician 4th Class when he left the U.S.Army, but I suspect he may have seen the most actual battle service of the brothers.

Seated on the left is the next brother, Kenney Maurice Comstock, born 1914 in Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas, died 2006 in Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas, age 91.  He stayed at the University of Arkansas just long enough to enter the War as an officer, 2nd Lieutenant, and remained in the reserves until retirement as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Standing in the back is the youngest sibling, Ira Allen Comstock, born in 1924 in Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas.  He served in the U.S. Air Corps, flying P-38's and P-51's.  Ike also remained in the reserves until retirement.  Ike is still living, will soon be age 90, and served as a guest World War II pilot in May of 2013 at the open house at the World War II Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The following appeared in the newspaper where my grandparents were living:
Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteville, AR, Tuesday, 2 Apr 1946
Capt. Kenney M. Comstock, Jr., who has been overseas 44 months, and T/4 Graydon E. Comstock, who has been in England and France for 13 months, are on their way home.  They are the sons of Mr. & Mrs. K. M. Comstock, 428 North College Avenue.  Capt. Comstock is on a 45-day leave.  He is with the Army of Occupation.  Graydon is on his way home and will receive his discharge.  A third son, Lt. Ira A. Comstock is at Marseilles, France.  The three brothers were together on a three-day pass in February.

Mom's 4th brother to served in the Coast Guard in California, sometimes as a typist, but also as a coast watcher.  He first attended Officers Candidate School, but decided he could not possibly shoot to kill another human being - so he washed out of OCS and served his country via the Coast Guard. John James "Jay" Comstock was born 1919, Uniontown, Crawford County, Arkansas, died in San Francisco in 2006, age 86.  This picture was made while he was in OCS.

These men were part of my life and I just hope somehow they know they are remembered and their service to their country is remembered!